Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I have a feeling it's going to be one of those days! I had to pull out the "mean Heidi" voice and took away tv for a bit this morning all before 8!!! Miss M even sat in the back seat going "Blah blah blah blah!"!!!! We are having some definate problems listening this morning and with some major attitude! Don't know if we will be going to playgroup or not, depends on how the girls are. Anyone want to trade places with me this morning????

Friday, January 27, 2006

Happy Birthday!!!!

Well I had planned to write yesterday, but I got caught up enjoying the day! It was my birthday yesterday and I have to say that it was the best one yet! I had lots of wonderful surprises and I really felt loved. It was nice after all the stuff that I have had going on lately.....anyway this is supposed to be a happy post!!!!!
The day started out with K staying home from work, super nice, although it made it extremely hard to get up and to go and work out! I'm glad that I went though I felt really good and ready to start the day! I got home to get started on the work portion of the day and things went by fairly quickly and soon it was time to get Mr. C off to school. We made a quick stop at Kwik Star to get some orange juice and a nice big Mt. Dew to get me all caffienated for the morning and then it was off to church with our regularly scheduled play day with K2's kids and K worked on some things he hadn't been able to get to with his work schedule lately. We all had a good time and K2 even got the kids into singing Happy Birthday to me, follwed by her daughter A singing me her own rendition complete with zoo references! After the appropriate tickle "punishment" for that one we started to get ready to head home for lunch. It took us longer than usual to get ready and get out the door one, because we had K with us and we had to wait for him to finish up the project he was working on and two, because while I was trying to get the girls to clean up and get ready to go the phone rang and I was trying to watch kids, visit with my friend J and take a message for Pastor from her all at the same time!
We finally got home and K ordered me pizza from Pizza Hut (finally my choice Supreme pizza! Yeah!) and also ordered some dessert bread sticks for us. I went out to check the mail and found that the local florist had tried to make a delivery but since we were away left a notice for us to come and get it or call them, so K went and picked it up when he went to get the pizza. He came home with a balloon from the T girls with some jelly beans for a weight and some BEAUTIFUL flowers and a balloon from him!!! The girls LOVED the treat of Pizza Hut pizza for lunch and quickly ate and then got ready for nap. Monster also gave me her own little present by going potty on the potty!!! Something that happened only once that day and of course no repeat performance today!
I filled out some thank you notes while they were napping and read the book that I had just gotten in the mail that I had won on ebay ( birthday money from Grandma), checked my email to find a little birthday note from one of the T girls (B) and soon it was time to get ready and go to get Mr C from school. Mr C and Miss M's Mom was right on time and Monster's Mom got here early so I had a little down time before I got changed and got ready to head over to Mom and Dad's for birthday supper with my Mom (Dad works nights). She made a delicious Twinkie cake and I got some wonderful gifts from them too. And before I knew it, it was time to be off and running once again, we had prayer meeting at church that night. We made a quick stop in K's sound room and found a note from Pastor with a list of the choruses that we are doing and a little note for K about one of his son's ball games with a little happy birthday to me on the bottom too. We head upstairs to the meeting and Pastor points out that it is my birthday and I receive many happy birthdays and a little discussion on the day. Then during our little acapella singing time he requests a special and starts every one singing Happy Birthday to me! I was slightly embarrassed, but it was nice to feel the friendship you know what I mean?? After prayer meeting we had practice and I was immediately bombarded with hugs and Happy Birthdays from two of the T girls, J and B. They are such great girls, I am so thankful to count them as friends! I got another Happy Birthday from K1, and from our guitar player D too. We practiced and then Pastor started playing a few songs for us to sing along with just for fun, including one of my favorites. I commented that this was the perfect way to spend a birthday, with great friends having fun! Then at the end of our little sing along Pastor broke out into another round of the Happy Birthday song playing along on the piano and had everyone singing, including a heavily caffienated K1,J, and B! Then he sang me this beautiful birthday prayer song! I almost cried! I told K it was like having my own private concert! We finished the night by helping to pack Pastor's stuff in boxes so he can finish getting moved over to the old parsonage (right beside the church) for his new office for the time being. The rest of the girls and the two guitar players left and I helped him carry one of the boxes over while K finished up his work and got in the car to find another birthday note from an anonymous person written on a napkin that they stuck under the windshiled wiper of my car! My Mother in law called while we were in church too!
The night had a few other high points, lots of giggles and some Moo's ( a joke that started with a simple greeting card) while we joked at the wall between the old auditorium and Pastor's old office tumbling down, B trying to drink out of my water bottle without using the straw so she wouldn't get me sick and giving up to go downstairs to get a cup only to drink most of it and find a film of old milk at the bottom which she drank some of and couldn't get the taste out of her mouth!, and a good talk with Pastor while we were carrying boxes over and looking around his new office. Things had gotten a bit of an early start on 'Wednesday too with K1 bringing me some beautiful flowers and a hilarious card and then a singing of Happy Birthday by the Awana group and a "We love you, Moo!" from K1 and K2! It was a great birthday! The best one yet I keep saying! I just feel so loved, which was just really needed right now. I am so thankful for all my friends and family and I just feel so blessed! I am very thankful for all the people who God has put into my life and I just hope that I can be as good of a friend to them as they have been to me!

And....last but certainly not least.....Happy Birthday to another friend, Holli! Hope you had as good of a day as I had!!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Me again....

Well, it's been pretty quiet around here. Just the normal chasing after the kidlets and fun with them with one little addition. Monster is potty training. It's really not going well, but you have to start somewhere I guess. Little stinker understands, but she is so stubborn she just won't go! Once we put the little potty chair out and she sat through a whole Clifford show without going, only for me to put her diaper back on her and she went right away! Now she is in pull ups with the heavier big girl unders on underneath. She has pooped once in the potty and twice in her pants in the last two days. This morning I said Hey, let's go potty and she looked up and me and said I sorry! That was the second time she had pooped in her pants. I really don't know how I am giong to convince her to go in the potty. When I ask her where big girls go potty she says in the potty, and then tell me that's where Miss M goes. But when I ask her a little later where her potties are supposed to go she laughs and says in her pants. This was accompanied with not one but two screaming fits on the potty yesterday!!! Fun.
K came home early yesterday, said it was slow at work and he was bored. There are rumors flying around that the company that he works for was sold, so he says using up a little vacation time won't hurt him and has decided to take tomorrow and Friday off completely.
I went to work out this morning only to find that the guy who normally opens up the place wasn't there. I sat out in the parking lot for a half an hour with a couple of my friends that go too and finally we decided that it wasn't worth it and headed home. If I would have waited and he showed up at 5:30 I would have gotten about a half an hour work out and had to head home, normally we do about a half hour of walking alone and then another half hour of weights or steppers. I was thinking gee, I hope the poor guy isn't too sick, or maybe he overslept, and one of the girls looks at me and says man, I hope he didn't die! How do you respond to that lol?!?

Friday, January 20, 2006

Still spinning!

Wow, what a week! I feel like I am still spinning for all the running and back and forth that I have done this week! And it really doesn't seem like it should be Friday, but hey, I'm not complaining!!!
A quick recap of my week:
Monday- Kept K2's daughter A so they could do some shopping an hour away and A could still get to playgroup. The three girls got along so well and my two were so sad to see A head off to school! After work was basketball games at the Fitness Center watching B and C play. No work out that night as L had just gone to the chiropractor and didn't want to risk popping something out of place. She has been sick with something similar to Chron's disease and has lost alot of muscle. One of her ribs popped back out of place just from the walk out of one room into another in the Chiropractor's office!
Tuesday-Playgroup for the girls. It went pretty well, but we were the only ones again this week. Trying to convince K2 to bring her kids, but she was busy that day. Can't remember what we did for sure that night, but I think it involved going to bed early.
Wednesday- Awards assembly at school so we took Mr C to school at 8, came back home and packed a bag full of toys and books and went back to the school at 20 to 9. Sat through two awards assemblies, one for the K-3 and the second for the 4-6 grades, came back home and got a quick lunch with the girls and back to pick up Mr C for the three hour early out from school at 12. The girls napped well and Mr C rested quietly while watching a movie. We painted suncatchers after nap and all three kids did really well! Found out while we were painting that there was a bomb threat at the high school about a half an hour after the kids got out of school that afternoon, no one is really saying much about it although I heard that the police were going to be searching backpacks on Thursday morning. Awana went really well, one of my girls passed a BIG section and both finished out one group of sections in their books and will be getting awards next week! We had practice afterwards and K1 didn't get there until an hour later, she had to wait for her husband to get home, so it was a late one. It was 11:30 before I got to bed.
Thursday- The 4:30 alarm came way to early but I did drag myself out of bed and go. L and I were the only ones there so I didn't work too hard, although I did do one of the steppers. OUCH! We had a playday with K and her kids at church in the morning and that went pretty well, but after that the kids made the day seem REALLY long and when they finally left I headed to bed, only to get a phone call finding out that one of my friends, who used to go to our church, has been diagnosed with cancer!
Friday- The workout went well this morning, I used the eliptical machine this morning. I finished out the full ten minutes that was my goal! I sure feel it though! I took the girls to get a doughnut and got a couple muffins for myself and a cappucino. I won a movie ticket on Blingo this morning too! I am so excited! K told me that he will take me out for supper tonight too. I like going to the restaurant K2 works at and K likes it too as he can get ribs and meat and potatoes while I can get the salad and such that I like. Plus we like giving K2 a bad time while she's working ha ha!
Tomorrow brings a meeting for K, I have to drop him off at Pastor's house at 7:30 and then I am off to watch a basketball tournament for S and J that morning and afternoon. I am going to take a bag of clothes and things so I can work out with L between games. I avoided babysitting for my friend who hasn't been such a friend and pretty much got silence because of it. Oh well, just shows me where she is really coming from I guess. I have seen how a true friend reacts to something like that and it has opened my eyes to see how bad things really were between us before and I chose to ignore it, but I am feeling alot better since I have chosen myself and to not be a doormat or a whipping post I actually feel alot better. It still hurts, but I know what I have to do, I know I am making the right decision.

Friday, January 13, 2006

The fun that is my house this morning

Starts out dark, but gets better as it goes on.

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I'm scared! This is the "robber" who showed up on my doorstep this morning! Little C has quite the imagination! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Ok I won't complain about a slow day here and there anymore!

Today I took the kids for a play date with the kids of one of the girls who works out with me in the mornings. Things went pretty well, Monster got a little bossy, my friend's youngest got sleepy towards the end and so he was a little fussy, but all in all pretty well! Our play date was at the church as my friend was cleaning the church during this time and I played with the kids downstairs in the nursery. This may just become a regular Thursday thing. My friend said that the cleaning went easier for her, and I know the girls enjoyed getting out of the house and playing with some different kids.
While we were there I got a call from another friend asking me if she could bring her youngest in to me so she could get the oldest to a dr appointment. This friend broke her foot snow tubing with her family on New Years Day so getting a three year old to stay with her and keeping him entertained just wasn't her idea of fun! Can't say I blame her! He will come back tomorrow as she goes back to get recasted.
I am excited for tomorrow as well because we will have our first Worship Team practice of the year too! I have missed it! We haven't had practice since before Christmas for choruses on Christmas day!
I need to buy a birthday gift for the son of the friend who hasn't been such a friend too. They are having a birthday party for him Saturday afternoon. I am hoping that I can find something here in town and won't have to drive to Wal Mart tonight. K will probably have to work on Saturday morning so unless I want to go by myself that is probably out, and I have to fit house cleaning in there too, unless someone else wants to come and clean for me, or K lets me hire a maid...either option is highly unlikely lol!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Nothing much.....

Well, not alot to report today....yesterday was just another one of those days, nothing real exciting happened, nothing real exciting happening so far today either. I went to bed about 8:30 or so last night, I was tired! Of course I didn't actually get to sleep until about ten or a little after, but it sure felt good just to get my jammies on and climb into bed!
Tonight is stuffed animal zoo night at Awana. I am working on sewing the head back onto a rather large stuffed dog that we have for K to take. Not exactly sure how the head became semi unattatched in the first place, chalk that one up for the daycare kiddos! If I think of it I will take my camera and take some pictures to share. Knowing me I will set it out to take and leave it on the table!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Pretty good for a Monday!

Today has been a good day, shocking for a Monday I know! Monster's Mom said that she was up early this morning but she was in a very good mood by the time she got here! Miss M said that she was feeling better, but getting out of the car after taking Mr. C to school she said she was sad, and when I asked her why she said she didn't know. We put in a Bob the Builder movie and got some cuddle time in and now she is a happy camper again....I think it was just the Monday blues.
Miss M did a very good job on her worksheet about beginning sounds today! There was a picture of Pooh and it said that Pooh liked to read in bed, circle the thing in the picture that had the same beginning sound as bed, and she circled the book right away! It is so neat to see her as she thinks things through and comes up with the answer! She gets so excited when she gets the right answer too!
Tonight B ( a daughter of some friends of ours) has a basketball game at the Fitness Center and K and I are going to try to go. Now that my knitting teacher has gone south for the winter my Monday nights seem empty!
I finished scarf number 18 yesterday afternoon and I started scarf number 19. This is the one that another friend from church wants me to make for her daughter. I did end up getting a bit more yarn at Wal Mart on Saturday too....I was putting the scarf that I made to go with my good winter coat on and discovered that it had come apart in one spot and unraveled a good chunk, so I bought more of that color to make a new one. I will still use the unraveled one some, but I do want to have a nice one too.....
Well, off to finish up with the laundry!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Tell me why....

I saw this on another site and thought that it was just too funny not to share.....
Tell me why...
Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know that the batteries are getting weak?
Why do banks charge a fee on 'insufficient funds' when they know there is not enough?
Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars but check when you say the paint is wet?
Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle?
Why do they use sterilized needles for death by lethal injection?
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest but duck when you throw a revolver at him?
Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
Whose idea was it to put an 's' in the word 'lisp'?
If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes?
Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use, the bubbles are always white?
Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?
Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?
Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum cleaner one more chance?
Why is it that no plastic bag will open from the end you first try?
How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures?
Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over?
In winter, why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat?
Why do you never hear father-in-law jokes?

Friday, January 06, 2006

One of those days!

It's a good thing today is Friday! I just knew it was going to be one of those days when I woke up this morning....or should I say when K woke me up! And you should know that almost never happens! I am almost always the first one awake....back in the time before I used to get up and go to the Fitness Center before dawn I would wake up and make sure that K was awake. Left to himself he would sleep until nine or ten, even with an alarm! Aaaaanyway, today I really had no ambition to work out, and when I got to the Fitness Center I found that my friend did not either. We did alot of walking and a few weights, but ended up calling it a day early.
Monster was in a mood right away this morning, I really wondered what the day would be like with her, but her mood has changed drastically and she is the happy little chipmunk that I know and love! Miss M on the other hand has complained of a headache, and had her first potty accident here. She felt so bad, I think that between just not feeling well and being tired she just waited too long, but when I walked into the room she burst into tears. Poor baby! I found her a pair of K's sister's pjs she used to wear (I somehow inherited alot of his youngest brother and sister's clothes from when they were small) and all is well again. She was so excited to get to wear the pajamas I don't know if I will be able to get her to change once her clothes are out of the wash! Ahh well, there are worse things in life than to be able to just hang out in one's pajamas all day!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Happy Birthday Faith!!!!!!! I hope you have a GREAT day!!! Big hugs!!!

The kids finally went back to school today! I am SO thankful that Mr. C is back at school! Yesterday wasn't so bad, but Tuesday was awful with him! Of course Miss M and Monster followed suit...things just go better with him in school. I don't know what it is because he wasn't that bad over the summer, now I dread late starts, early outs, or no school days. Maybe things will get better now that all the hustle and bustle of Christmas is over too.
My Grandparents stopped over today with a laundry basket of tennis shoes for me to see if I can use. I had mentioned just before Christmas that I was looking for a good pair of shoes to wear to the Fitness Center. I may keep a pair or two, but I think that alot of them will be going to the goodwill store....I already have four pairs of tennis shoes (I found a good pair to wear to the Fitness Center the Friday before Christmas) and some just really aren't my style anyway....lol or maybe that would make a good ebay auction!
I think that as much as I hate to really I will have to make another trip to Wal Mart this weekend. One of my friends told me that their eyelash yarn is on sale, and seeing as I was hired to do another scarf on Sunday I will need to do a bit of yarn shopping....I think I am going to have to start another business on the side here lol! Ok ok ok if you twist my arm I will admit that I really do like yarn shopping too! I like seeing all the different colors and dreaming of what they will look like.....sigh......huh, what, oh sorry started dreaming there....

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

K wearing the scarf that his Mom made for me... I think the guys had more fun with the scarves than we did! Posted by Picasa

Snow tubing!

Well, vacation is over and we are back into the swing of things again. It has been a very busy start to the new year, but I am loving it. We went snow tubing at the camp we go camping at during the summer on Sunday. There were a couple minor injuries, but we all survived. It was a bit scary looking down at the drop off of the biggest hill, especially when some of the girls convinced me to go down laying on my stomach on the tube facing down the hill! It really was an easier ride, no landing on something on your butt and you went a little faster and farther. The river at the end of the big hill was frozen enough that it would hold you if you went on it, but there were some puddles on the top of the ice and we hit those a few times! I ended up with a couple of face fulls of water, a good splash on my stomach as my coat and shirt pulled up a bit and I only had the half snow pants, not the kind that has the straps that go over your shoulders! The ride back up the hill was just as fun, they have a rope that you lay a bit over your tube, lay on your tube yourself, wrap a leg around and hold on with your hands and it pulls you back up the hill. One time I only made it half way up, but there were quite a few that had more trouble than I did. The only real trouble I had was the soreness the next day from using different muscles than I am used to to hold on to get up the hill. I had to break out the wrist brace too as the tendonitis in my right wrist has flared up some from this too. But no one broke anything or anything like that so I consider the night a success!
The wedding cross stitch that I am doing for B and D. Posted by Picasa
My sister in law D Posted by Picasa
Sweet baby sleeping Posted by Picasa
K's parents in front of the tree Posted by Picasa
K's brother B and his fiance D in front of the tree Posted by Picasa
K and I in front of the Christmas tree at his brother's house. Posted by Picasa
There was just too much excitement for S, actually she was fighting a nasty cold, which was found to be a sinus infection when they got home and went to the Dr. Posted by Picasa
My niece B and my sister in law's sister  Posted by Picasa
K with his gift from "Santa" it says Next year I'm installing a windshield on the sled! Posted by Picasa
K's sister S with the scarf I made her Posted by Picasa
a close up view of the cedar chest Posted by Picasa
K's brother B showing his Mom the cedar chest he made for her Posted by Picasa
K's brother K with the neon Christmas tree light we gave him Posted by Picasa
K's Mom with the scarf I made for her Posted by Picasa
My niece cuddling with the doll that we gave her for Christmas. I hear she even slept with it that night! Posted by Picasa
My nephew playing with one of his Christmas gifts. We all loved the lighted eyes on this! Poor guy had so much trouble getting his fingers to do the Spider Man thing though, they were just a bit too big! Posted by Picasa
Not a real clear picture, but it was too funny not to share, the guys felt a little left out of the whole scarf business so they started their own trend! Posted by Picasa
K's sister S, his brother B, and B's fiance Posted by Picasa
K's brother's fiance with the scarf I made her Posted by Picasa
My nephew enjoying opening his gifts Posted by Picasa
My niece getting into the spirit of things and opening her gifts. Posted by Picasa
A cute shot of B, my niece, love the fashion statement of the bow on the head! She wore that for the longest time too! Posted by Picasa
One of the obligatory taking a picture of taking a picture shots with K's sister S! Posted by Picasa