Friday, September 30, 2005

I'm baaaaaack!

I have decided to switch from using my "online" name to my real name on the blog. It's less confusing and just easier in general. I switched it on Blogger so we will see how long it takes to change on the actual blog.
Holli~ Lol don't worry I don't just associate you with dog bodily functions! You, Faith, and Nate are too cool for that! I really enjoy reading your blog! By the way, I was reading over your archives yesterday and did I read correctly that your birthday is January 27??? My birthday is January 26! He he and a funny~ my brother's name is Nathan, but he wants to be called Nate!
If you would like you can email me sometime~ lol feel like I know you after reading your blog so I hope that isn't to forward lol! Don't worry I'm not some kind of internet stalker or anything lol! The address is Lol it's our Google mail account, hubby got to choose the addy lol I only have about 14 different email addresses ( some hotmail for storage purposes only for my pictures and things) so I let him choose.

Tried taking the kids outside to play on the swingset for a bit this afternoon, but we were bombarded with bugs! Ladybugs and those nasty little black bugs that bite! So we gave that idea up and came back inside, it's a shame too because it's so nice outside!
Sounds like we may have some of this more summery weather until about Wednesday, then the rain and cooler weather comes back. Note to self, no flip flops if it rains on Wednesday! Hopefully my heels won't be so sore and I can finally wear tennis shoes again!
Anyway, I've rambled off enough for now. Have a great evening all!

A little of this, a little of that, blame it on the coffee!

Well, the bruise on my *ahem* bottom must be pretty impressive. It now has elicited not one, but two HOLY COW's from the husband! His estimation is that it is about 8 inches across! It has made sitting kind of interesting...wondering if I could have done something to a nerve or something because at times on non padded chairs if I try to sit normally it feels as if I sat on something terribly sharp, and have noticed that if I lay a certain way in bed it sends an odd sensation down my leg and it almost starts to feel numb. Just hope it heals quickly!
On another note Kwik Star is quickly becoming my best friend and K's worst enemy! I have become addicted to their caramel apples (too expensive according to K) but they are so much bigger than the average grocery store variety, and they also have the option of peanuts or no peanuts, gotta love that! Also at our store they have their cappuccino and coffee on sale for 79 cents, which of course, being a deal I must take part in! First I must tell you that before this I VERY RARELY drank coffee or cappuccino (cappuccino for the cost, and coffee well just never got into the habit) but with this kind of a deal who can pass it up?! You can get the large size for 85 cents with tax and try different flavors that you wouldn't try before because you really didn't want to pay that much for something you wouldn't like hence wouldn't drink and waste the money. Well, I have tried a few things and of course, I am now LOVING my cup of coffee or two in the morning! It will be a long night for us tonight with music practice and I told K that I wanted to stop and get a 79 cent coffee before we head to practice. He just shakes his head. We bought a bag of Kwik Star's House Blend coffee for me to make at home last night, very good, very good!
Holli, if you are reading this I am beginning to understand more how you feel with your Nate after last night too! I was woken at midnight to K flying out of bed, nearly smacking me in the head as he tossed the covers back! I gave him the usual "Huh? What? What's going on?" He told me that he heard Casey (shih tzu) tossing his cookies and sure enough, he had done it ON MY NICE CLEAN COMFORTER!!! So after much grumbling, some paper towels to clean up the mess, and a comforter change in the middle of the night we were finally back to sleep. Thankfully we have had no more trouble with that since!
Well, must run for now, more laters!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ouch! and double Ouch!

Ouch! Guess this is what I get for opening my big mouth, ha ha! C(our Pastor's wife) and I were just talking about how the 8th grade boys are going through that "clumsy phase" as we watched her son and his classmates stumble across the football field and I laughingly joked that some of us still haven't grown out of that phase and what do you know....yep yesterday as we were heading out in the lovely rain and cold to get Mr. C from the lovely early out day of school I turn around to help Monster down the stairs and I end up taking the express way down! It took me a few seconds to compose myself and finish loading the girls (who thankfully both stayed upright unlike their clumsy caregiver!) loaded into the car only to realize that not only did I have one very sore bottom but it was also a very wet one! Thankfully I had thought to wear a jacket and not having time to get the girls out of the car, come back to the house and change, and get them reloaded (also not really wanting to chance those stairs an extra time if I didn't have to!) I tied my coat around my waist so I didn't look even more rediculous than I already felt walking up to the front of the school.
And if that wasn't enough I took the girls on a walk this morning and ended up rubbing two spots raw and to bleeding on my heels! This is just not my week! Ahh well, I suppose it could be worse!
Teddy is on the way to driving me crazy tonight as well. K took the dogs out not 20 minutes ago and he is once again pacing and whining and barking his annoyed bark because we are not jumping at his every command. Casey on the the other hand is being the good dog, must not drive Mommy and Daddy completely and totally crazy, we need one of them around to hand out the treats!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Spam, yuck!

Ugh spam comments! I have turned on the word verification setting for comments as I have gotten ALOT of spam comments in the last couple days.

My warning label

Raven is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.



Tuesday, September 27, 2005

sitting around the campfire Posted by Picasa
more flowers from Ironwood Posted by Picasa
swimming pool at Ironwood Posted by Picasa
pretty flowers at Ironwood Posted by Picasa
deer at Ironwood Posted by Picasa
peacock at Ironwood Posted by Picasa
in the gym for volleyball Posted by Picasa
the rest of our campsite at Ironwood the tents were all of our group, pop up camper in the background was another group Posted by Picasa
Pastor and C camper at Ironwood Posted by Picasa
playing a game camping at Ironwood Posted by Picasa
playing a game camping at Ironwood Posted by Picasa
Awana picnic Posted by Picasa
Awana picnic Posted by Picasa
the toothless twins at the Awana picnic Posted by Picasa
bad picture of me at the Awana picnic Posted by Picasa
C "hiding" from his mom Posted by Picasa
C posing Posted by Picasa
handsome C Posted by Picasa
C M and K on the slide Posted by Picasa
the girls on the merry go round Posted by Picasa
M concentrating on something on the tree Posted by Picasa
my favorite picture of M Posted by Picasa
M posing Posted by Picasa
color version Posted by Picasa
same idea for Monster Posted by Picasa