Monday, July 11, 2005

VBS week

Wow, time flies when you are having fun I guess! We have been really busy with getting things ready for Vacation Bible School this week. We have had to get things set up at church, find extra fans to take because per normal it is going to be 90 degrees and humid all week, and getting things colored, cut out, etc for decorating our areas.
I am helping with the preschool age kids again this year. We got our room set up last night and most of the decorating done. The kids are going to help some with the decorating too. We are going to have the kids do a couple things to help decorate too.
Pastor or his wife are going to drop off their youngest just before we are to go to church so they can go and see the older two boys' ballgames. The middle one will be coming to VBS as soon as he is done so we don't have to worry about getting him home after, just getting him there ontime. We will be there a bit early, but he's old enough to behave.
They are doing something very nice this year and having people volunteer to bring food in to feed the people who are working with the kids. There are a few of us who will be going right from work(even though I am at home we will be cutting it close with the kids schedules for today and tomorrow at least; get the kids out the front door with parents and then out the back door to get to church) so K and I will be eating there tonight and tomorrow, then we will see about the rest of the week. I will be done about 4:30 the rest of the week, but if not many people are showing up then we may just go and eat, we want the people to know that their time and effort was appreciated and not turn them off from doing it next year.
I really haven't spoken to A in a little over a week now. I don't know what is going to happen with that situation, I am leaving it in God's hands. Actually Pastor and I have had a conversation about how wonderful Wednesday nights especially have been terrific for me as it really relates to what I am dealing with and it really speaks to my heart. Sunday morning was wonderful as well this week! Not that it isn't normally, but it's just extra special when something hits that close to home and has that extra meaning you know?

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