Friday, September 30, 2005

I'm baaaaaack!

I have decided to switch from using my "online" name to my real name on the blog. It's less confusing and just easier in general. I switched it on Blogger so we will see how long it takes to change on the actual blog.
Holli~ Lol don't worry I don't just associate you with dog bodily functions! You, Faith, and Nate are too cool for that! I really enjoy reading your blog! By the way, I was reading over your archives yesterday and did I read correctly that your birthday is January 27??? My birthday is January 26! He he and a funny~ my brother's name is Nathan, but he wants to be called Nate!
If you would like you can email me sometime~ lol feel like I know you after reading your blog so I hope that isn't to forward lol! Don't worry I'm not some kind of internet stalker or anything lol! The address is Lol it's our Google mail account, hubby got to choose the addy lol I only have about 14 different email addresses ( some hotmail for storage purposes only for my pictures and things) so I let him choose.

Tried taking the kids outside to play on the swingset for a bit this afternoon, but we were bombarded with bugs! Ladybugs and those nasty little black bugs that bite! So we gave that idea up and came back inside, it's a shame too because it's so nice outside!
Sounds like we may have some of this more summery weather until about Wednesday, then the rain and cooler weather comes back. Note to self, no flip flops if it rains on Wednesday! Hopefully my heels won't be so sore and I can finally wear tennis shoes again!
Anyway, I've rambled off enough for now. Have a great evening all!


hollibobolli said...

How funny - do you know how often I get called Heidi instead of Holli??? I don't know how people get that confused, but it happens ALL THE TIME!! I've even said - I can see Molly or Polly.. but Heidi??

I'm not worried about being internet stalked - Lord knows I've warded off the real thing before. If only I could post the really strange things that happen in my world sometimes!!!

Heidi said...

Lol that is funny! I agree that it is odd Heidi instead of Holli, not really even close sounding or anything! People always called me Heather, not really close there either, who knows!