Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Well, despite a bit of frustration with an off day with kids, nothing major, kids just have those days at has been a good day.
I talked with our insurance agency and they got things as setteled as they could and even got in touch with the mobile glass company for us. I may just have to write them a letter and tell them how pleased I am with their service! We have Progressive Insurance, a local insurance agency shops around for the best rates for you, and you can contact them if you have a claim or make your payments. I am thrilled with their service! The girl that I talked to was so nice, and made it alot easier, I was a bit nervous dealing with them since we really don't know whata happened, but they were wonderful!
Haven't accomplished a whole lot otherwise. I did empty and reload the dishwasher, burned copies of pictures I had taken at Awana for one girl for her mural of pictures for graduation, did a load of laundry, and gotten some stitching done. I am working on Tinkerbell now. I should be working on my brother in law's wedding record but I am feeling burnt out on that one and I got a start on Tinkerbell on our road trip to Des Moines for basketball games Saturday and it is going pretty fast. I am getting excited about seeing a finish soon!
Well, I want to go out and get some pics of my flowers outside before we have to go to the Awana Leader's Meeting and Prayer Meeting tonight!
Big hugs!

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