Friday, March 25, 2005

Almost finished!

Wow! What a day! Actually, what a week! I don't think that I have seen K for more than a half hour at a time, and usually that means us talking as I try to prop my eyes open and try to stay awake. Good meaningful conversation there!
Tonight I think that we actually have an evening free. We may go to Wal Mart and pick up a few things. My allergies have decided to kick in full force and I only have enough allergy pills to last until Tuesday. We also need to get some paint and possibly a few other things for our Awana Grand Prix cars.
I am down to the last soldier and then the last little bit of flag on my patriotic cross stitch. I really wish that I could figure out how to post pictures here and then I could show how much I have gotten done. The nice thing about this piece is the minimal backstitching too. Then I have some lettering and it is off to the framer with it. Now, I don't normally send my stitching off to the framer, K being the do it yourselfer that he is. But this is a very special piece. This piece will have the name of a soldier who was killed in the war and will be sent off to his family. is the link for any of you other stitchers out there who would like to do something like this. I have enjoyed doing this piece, but so many color changes have driven me crazy! I am also very excited to get this done as it will be my first finish for the year, and I can then start my next piece, which is to be a thank you gift.

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