Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I found this over at Mix'd Equally, apparently it's Speak Like a Pirate day or something like that......thought it looked like fun so here are my results.

My pirate name is:

Mad Dog Flint

Part crazy, part mangy, all rabid, you're the pirate all the others fear might just snap soon. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!

Get your own pirate name from piratequiz.com.
part of the fidius.org network

Monday, September 18, 2006

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one of the contests that they had at the game, two guys took turns "fishing" to win the boat they were "fishing" out of. They had fishing poles with balls on the end and they casted out and hit thes people in fish costumes. Each were worth a different amount of points. The funny thing was that when they were hit they layed on the ground and flipped and flopped around like a fish out of water! Posted by Picasa
pitching practice Posted by Picasa
practicing Posted by Picasa
Well, finally, an introduction to the next set of pics that I told you about a few days ago....so amazingly enough on a Tuesday night a couple of weeks ago K and I were spending a night at home with nothing to do and I had decided to go to bed early. It was around 9:30 and I was just dozing off a bit while K was downstairs on the computer when the phone rang. In a fog I answered and it was PM, he asked what kind of hours K and I would be working that Thursday and if we would be able to go to a Twins game with them! I talked to Monster's Mom and I was able to drop her off at the daycare center at 2 and we left here at 2:30 to head for the game! It was about a three hour drive for us to go. It was sooooo much fun! Neither K or I had ever been to a professional ball game like that before and we LOVED it! I was a bit nervous with all the people ( I really hate big crowds) there were about 21 thousand people there that night! We got home around 12/1am Friday morning and I got up and worked the next morning, Monster was even here early that morning! K had taken Friday off so he got to sleep in (lucky!). We had lots of fun getting to have a day out with friends and I have to say that I am much more interested in baseball after seeing it played live like that! Soooo here are the pictures!
Another random morning thought......allergies at a high, eyes itching, forgot to take allergy med yesterday. Not fun. This morning I remembered, yay!!!! Then open the door to find out that Monster has taken hers as well.....Benadryl allergy....very subdued child this morning....vegging on the couch watching tv! Hate to see her drugged up on the Benadryl, but it is so nice for a cold Monday morning to just have a sleepy, quiet, cuddly morning.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Random thought for the morning #2: This has definately been one of those weeks where I wonder why I do what I do for a job. Not because of the kids, well except for one and that boils down to the parenting, but the parents, one in particular.....and the one that is giving me fits is the one who works at the daycare center in town so she should know better!!!!!! Can I come and stay with any of you for a while??? Lol!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Random thought for the morning.....
I just love how kids can take some plain ordinary thing/word and make the cutest song about it. Little T just made up a song about the word "ucky" and it made me smile. I just love hearing kids sing......

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I know I know you all are saying more pictures??? I just have such a hard time narrowing it down to a few to share! The other night we went to Wal Mart and I had 316 pictures on my memory card! Yes, I am slightly addicted! Lol ok so maybe not so slightly!
I do actually have some more pictures to post, but I wanted to post a little about them before I went ahead and did that.....we'll see how long I babble on here if I post them with this or if it waits until the next post.
Let's see.....today was a slow day. I had two kiddos, Monster and Little C, they played very well for a while. When things started to go downhill we started a project. We made applesauce. Little C kept telling me, "My Mommy doesn't do this!" I caught a few pictures of them in the process too. I will share those sometime too. I hadn't made applesauce since my inlaws moved to Missouri. To stop and think about it, that's been like 5 or 6 years now, wow! My mil and I used to make it together there for a while, but when they moved I didn't have the food mill that I needed and after we finally found one I kind of forgot about it for a while. Sunday the T family invited us to go out to eat with them and then to one of the orchards that is about 45 minutes or so away from us. They needed to get apples for a 4H project they were going to do with the kids and we had all talked about going out to this restaurant for a while now. So we said sure, why not and off we went, in the rain of course! When we were looking at apples for the T family's project K commented about how it had been so long since I had made applesauce. I agreed and thought, hey, why not get some apples and make a batch now?! I had to call the mil to get the exact instructions again, but after a bit of a rusty start (and a minor incident with a wooden spoon) I have now finished a second batch on my own and am starting on a third( ok ok so I didn't realize that I didn't have the food mill thingy put together exactly right until the last batch either). I think we will have to go back for some more apples though, my batches are pretty small, only filling one of my freezer containers at a time. I will need to get some more freezer containers too. I am actually having alot of fun with it! I thought it was easy before I got the food mill thing put together correctly, it is ALOT easier if you put it together the way it is supposed to be!
Anyway....I must run for now. I will post a bit about the next set of pictures and the pictures themselves soon, and also a bit about the fun I get to have tonight. Laters!
swinging fun Posted by Picasa
running Posted by Picasa
this is how she hula hoops Posted by Picasa
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Me and the Monster Posted by Picasa
You can't find meeeeeee! Posted by Picasa
sidewalk chalk fun Posted by Picasa
I really liked the shadows here. Posted by Picasa
Monster FINALLY got the idea and made a basket; for the longest time she stood on her tip toes and just pushed it in. Posted by Picasa