Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Many projects

Today is a slow day kid wise, but not project wise! I am trying to help out a friend, their computer crashed and they used Outlook Express as their email. I was in the process of getting them switched over to a Yahoo email address, but I was not quick enough. They can't remember the password and now I am working on figuring out how to access the address book. So far I have found how to back up the address book, but not about what to do if you forgot your password.
I'm also trying to get a song typed up for Awana tonight. I say try because last week we had everything ready and then we get to church and the computer will not work. It must have been the month for computers because we know of about three other computers that crashed! K and another friend got together and worked on it a bit and it seems to be running now, so we'll see! Not to mention the song is recorded from an old tape to a cd so it is not the easiest to understand!
I am feeling a bit better with my cold today. I am still pretty congested but I don't feel so tired. Hopefully I am on the downslide with this!
Well, I better keep working or it won't get done....have a geat day all!

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