Wednesday, February 03, 2010

January 28 Another shot of the roses :) I was playing with the macro lens that day.
January 29 K built me a lightbox and some fabrics to use as backdrops. We were playing with different fabric and light combinations that day.

January 30 The fabrics that we bought for backdrops. Lots of fun colors!

January 31 We had a potluck after church and then a group of us went sledding and ice skating at a local park! It was alot of fun! Here Tater is all bundled up and ready for some snow fun! He lasted about 15 minutes when he told his uncle..."I cold....I go chocolate!"

February 1 Playing with reflections in the light box. The subject here is a souvineir that one of my former daycare families brought back for me when they went to China. They told me that these are hand painted from the inside. Beautiful!

February 2 My Casey! Here he is in his favorite spot at night...right at my feet in bed! He may not be the brightest, but he is loving and loyal!!


Rebecca Jo said...

You have a light box now? WOW... you are getting so professional!! Love that background with the rose - those colors just blend so well back there!!!

My pics are coming daily... am loving the Project 365 & the way it forces me to find something to look at differently to snap a picture... cool concept!

Brandi said...

I was trying to look at the picture of the rose last night, but my computer wasn't loading fast enough. Grrr.

Really beautiful! Looks like you are having fun with the light box. I ♥ that little bottle with the pandas. The reflection is awesome! :)

Jo said...

Love the fabric backdrops!! I love to be creative and not too conventional in my photography! Especially when shooting inside!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and the sweet comment!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Awesome shots! Like what you can do with the light box!