Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 26

January 27
K brought me roses for my birthday and I've been having alot of fun taking pictures with them! I had to laugh because as soon as I saw him with them he said look, time for pictures!

With January 26th picture I just learned how to use textures in Photoshop and I added a frosted window texture I got from Jo at Life's Perfect Pictures. I lowered the opacity and then added a solid red layer and a text layer and that was the result. I've never used textures before but seeing the pictures on i heart faces challenge for this week got me curious and wanting to try. It's not totally what I had in mind, but it's not bad for a first try I guess.
I had the morning off yesterday and edited a bunch of pictures and in the evening we went to the boys basketball game at the high school. JV won but the Varsity lost.
Today Mr. T and Tater were pretty tired and quiet so we didnt' do a whole lot, snuggled mostly. Mr. T liked being my assistant and plugging in and turning on the light on the piano to get my picture for today. He was pretty proud of himself, it was so cute!
Headed off to get ready for Awana soon. Tonight is Talent Night. The kids can sing a song, play an instrument, recite a verse, read a poem, just use their talents for the Lord. It's also bonus points for bringing your Bible and wearing crazy socks...putting both together since we missed last week. We may have to fit in another talent night since we schedule two to fit everyone in. It just depends on how many still want to do their talents.


Rebecca Jo said...

Ahhh - roses - how sweet!

Love the pic on the piano!

Dani - tkdchick said...

I bet you had a lot of fun with those roses!