Friday, January 28, 2011

K's hat for Crazy Hat Night at's a Christmas tree made out of tinsel he found at Wal Mart! We think he looks like something out of Dr. Seuss!
Now he's added a Santa hat that another clubber brought

I added this one because it showed a little more detail of the tree. That "hat" was definately a hit with the clubbers!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

One job done! Today I FINALLY finished the senior pictures for our friend! I am so happy to have that done! I found a few fun extras online to play with in Elements so I made up a couple of extras for her.

Now I have to get the Veteran's Banquet pictures edited and burned to cd and my brother's wedding reception pictures edited and posted to facebook for him and I think I'm done with my big projects!

Speaking of my brother, you probably already saw that I am going to be an aunt again! I am so excited! This will be the first grandchild for my parents and for my sister in laws parents...and I am the only of course you know this baby will have lots of I love my aunt onesies and things haha! I will have so much fun being the favorite aunt! Now we just have to get them to move back to Iowa from the Seattle area!

This week sounds a little slower, we aren't going to make Tuesday's ballgame :(, but we do have a benefit for a friend to go to. He was diagnosed with a rare type of stomach cancer and went to Houston for treatment. They recently returned home, and we all look forward to the opportunity to help them! Wednesday is our second Talent Night at Awana and also flashlight night for gametime. Thursday's schedule is still up in the air a bit, but we hope to be able to catch at least part of the basket ball game, it will be here in town.
I haven't forgotten about posting the picture of K's hat for Crazy Hat Night at Awana either...I need to get to work putting some basketball pictures on facebook for a friend, but I will post that either later tonight or tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ahh I can't believe it's been so long since I wrote last! I know I keep saying it, but I really need to get better at this! I hate that there is such a long span of time between posts! I just have trouble fitting it all in somedays!

Little Miss is teething again, which makes her my little cling on. I don't get much of anything done when she is like this. It makes both of us a bit cranky.

I've been busy with typing, going to basketball games, Awana, and helping get music together for our new leaders for our youth group. It's been alot of fun, but takes alot of time!

I found out yesterday that I'm going to be an aunt again in September! My brother and his wife are expecting their first child! So exciting! I'm going to be the "favorite aunt"....ok so the only aunt but it works for me lol!

I'm working on pictures; the last of our friend's senior pictures, my brother's wedding reception (they renewed their vows here in Iowa over the summer so the her family and our family could be there), Awana, and the Veteran's Banquet...and some samples of save the date cards for another friend's son who just got engaged! I am loving Elements 9!

Anyway...the lack of posts isn't for not wanting to blog...and I have lots of pictures I want to share!

But now it's time to change the Little Miss' diaper so I'd better be off and running agian.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I have sat here many times now with this screen up ready to start writing another blog post when the phone rings, or Little Miss wakes up from her nap (naptimes have not been our best friend around here lately unfortunately), or something happens...but today I'm determined to get a post up!

Basketball is in full swing and I'm sure those of you who are reading have seen my pictures up on facebook by now. I wasn't so sure about posting the pics on facebook but C and his mom asked that I would...he has a friend in Brazil (who is also on my facebook now) and wants them to be able to see them.

My typing work went crazy there for a bit...I think we are back into a more "normal" schedule again...what ever normal is!

Worship Team rehearsal after Awana last night...we got one of our teens to sing with us this time too! We (K, PM, and I) ended up talking with another friend/Worship Team member about some things going on after the practice and the time flew and before we knew it we were leaving the church at 11:30! Little Miss comes at 7:15, which means I'm trying to drag myself out of bed between 6 and 6:20 and she was VERY active yesterday (but mostly in a good mood thankfully!) so it was one LONG day and I was exhausted! I took a nap just after Little Miss first fell asleep and no basketball game tonight so we can go to bed early tonight to try and catch up. I feel bad for K, he was up at about 5:40 to go to work and no nap for him until about 4 if Little Miss lets him after he gets home!

Have to run now, but I will try and get pictures posted later tonight of K's hat for crazy hat night at Awana and maybe a few others. Hope you all have a great day!

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

So yesterday was nothing exciting to write about. Worked all day and mostly wrote thank you notes in the evening. I did do a little reading and posted a few pictures of Christmas on facebook but didn't do much at all.

Tonight it's back to our "normal" schedule with Awana...our Counsel time is on Solomon and it's Crazy Hat night! K bought one of those Christmas trees that's made out of tinsel and cone shaped, hollow on the inside and he may throw a few little ornaments on it and that will be his hat! I still have to put mine together.

Little Miss' mood has been up and down, she seems to be working on some top teeth. They really seemed to bother her yesterday, but she still kept us laughing! Her baby brother is due in March and she's really been talking about him lately. Yesterday she was looking for him in the cupboards with the pots and pans! We told her that he had to go to work with Mommy and that seemed to keep her happy for a bit anyway! I love the way their little minds work!

Well, I don't have much else so I guess that's it for now. Hope you all have a great day!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

It was a pretty quiet day back to work for me yesterday, just me and the Little Miss, and she took a three hour nap! And nothing planned in the evening gave me plenty of time to catch up on some things! I did my billing through the end of December, totalled my days worked, meals served, and income for the year 2010, caught up with the laundry pile that has been staring at me in the laundry room each time we came in and out of the back door, got a couple thank you notes written, and did some reading!

I'm feeling much more organized and finally ready for the new year!

I even took advantage of a sale on Snapfish and ordered 99 prints for 99cents! I believe it goes through the 9th if anyone else wants to do it, when you check out type in the coupon code of 2011PENNY. I found a scrapbook and some Christmas scrapbook stickers I liked on sale a couple days after Christmas so I thought I would play around a little with some of my pictures. It's definately not going to be up to the caliber of scrapbooking that my sister in law does, but just something a little fun to try with my pictures. I'll put some in a "regular" photo album, but play around a bit with some others.

Not much else going on now that Christmas is over...the inlaws have gone back home, it's back to work again...although still a bit of a different schedule for the next couple weeks. This week I have Little Miss Monday through Friday and next week I will have Monday and Friday (my normal day off) with her. Can't beat a couple extra three day weekends!

Otherwise I'm still taking pictures/editing, and typing away on some things to be kept on file. Nothing too exciting!

Hope you all are having a great day!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year! We didn't do alot...I had some typing work to do and I redid my nails....this is what I had done for Christmas...
and this is what I did yesterday...not the greatest picture, it was taken with my phone...but they are snowflakes. Yeah I'm a big kid.
We stayed home last night and watched movies...we started watching the Tooth Fairy but neighter one of us liked it much and we switched to Alice in Wonderland...again not big we watched a bit of tv for a while and then watched Fireproof. I LOVE that movie! We saw Fireproof in 60 in the extras and the Firegoofs and pranks too! Too funny!
So far today is starting out just like yesterday...I should be working on my Sunday School lesson and looking up the hymns for church tomorrow, but I'm procrastinating! K wants to take a drive to get some pictures too...and who am I to argue with that haha!
I'm hoping to do some picture editing today too...K bought me some backgrounds, textures, and frames for Elements and I can't wait to play some more with them! Maybe I'll get to sit down and watch The Blind Side too!
I hope you all had a safe and Happy New Year's Eve and New Year's Day today and that 2011 brings you much happiness and many blessings!