Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Ahhh it's definately been one of those days!  Little Miss is not liking to nap, I moved her playpen upstairs and she's sleeping less than the little she was sleeping when she was napping down here....she's such a light sleeper if I sneeze she wakes up and is done napping for the day.  Trying to convince her that napping is a good thing and she'll be much happier if she does isn't going so well though.

Had a little fun with the kiddos and Elements this morning...I won't show you the kiddos, but I will show you a little something I made for the hubby...just don't tell him lol! 
That's a picture we took this summer on one of our little drives where he likes to get lost and I take pictures along the way.

We bought a few little things for the kids for their Valentines last night on the way home from the basketball game...they're getting heart straws, candy hearts, bubbles, and I think I have some cute little stuffed animals with little loops on them to hang on their backpacks or something around here somewhere.
Can't believe Valentine's Day is coming up so quickly!

1 comment:

Jen said...

What a cute valentine!! Hope you can link up on my Valentine exchange on Monday!!