Thursday, February 03, 2011

Sorry I haven't been posting again...but I do have some good things for you!  50 free prints from Shutterfly!  Enter promo code at checkout: MRNH-DYD0-PHTT-0Y1M04

Offer ends Feb 7

and 50 free prints from Snapfish Go to this website and enter your email address and you’ll receive a unique promotional code to print or save. Once you get your code, visit to redeem your prints. It’s that easy.

I just ordered my 50 free prints from Shutterfly and have some more to go through before I order from Snapfish.  It looks like you can get those prints through August once you get the code and add it to you account.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Oh awesome! I need to send my grandparents some pics of the kids.

Have a great weekend! :)