Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Almost great day!

Hmmm my mood has decided to disappear for some odd reason over on the sidebar....I went to the site I get it from and they must be changing servers or something again as they are completely down.
In other news....I really feel good today, almost great in fact. I say almost because the dreaded aunt has come to visit and I am slightly crampy, but I have had MUCH worse cramps, so even in this I really am not complaining.
We went to my knitting teacher's 50th wedding anniversary party on Saturday. It was very fancy, assigned tables and all! We sat with a good group from church. We had chicken cordon bleu, green beans, baked potatoes, salad, and cheesecake. Yummy! They had a nice little program as well, some of her husbands barbershop singing friends sang them some songs, they also had a pianist playing in the background as we ate.
Sunday brought our outdoor service. That went very well too! Lots of fun, including me having to sing choruses all by myself as the girl that was to sing with me got lost! Ahh well it was a good thing, I am starting to feel much more comfortable up front, not as nervous. Lots of volleyball was played as well as a couple/three hours of swimming in the lake just down the road afterwards! Only downspot was the sunburn I ended up with on my face! But if that's the worst I am not complaining!
Really feeling filled and joyous lately....missed devotions yesterday but will catch up today with my women of the Bible reading.
K has a meeting for the elders and deacons tonight so I will have plenty of time to read, do some stitching, and just relax.

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