Friday, November 10, 2006

Monster playing in the toy room

Even the dolls and stuffed animals are spoiled here!

My messy desk! Actually this is pretty clean! We have my knitting that I pick up and try to do a row whenever I have a quiet moment, the powerpoint notes, song lyrics for one chorus, and bulletin for Sunday, my Bible, notebook, and one of my devotion books 31 Days of Priase. I haven't started reading it yet....the plan is to start today. And you can see all the daycare paperwork stored in those binders and my collection of pens and pencils, don't ask me why we just seem to have a ton! The blue bag at the bottom right is the bag I take on road trips, practice when I'm not singing, whatever that holds my necessities like knitting and cross stitch as well as a book to read, pens, pencils, mp3 player, zip drive, ibuprofen, all sorts of fun stuff!

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