Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I know I know you've heard it before, but I'm here to say it again, I know I've been terrible at posting....but here I am again.
Christmas was kind of hard this year, and I don't mean this to be a woe is me kind of post because I know that I have a very blessed life...but I was in a sort of a funk and the visit from the inlaws sure didn't help. I have no idea what I did, but I just have to say that I am so tired of feeling like I don't matter and I'm really not important.....
I have this week off work. I've been doing some laundry and catching up on some emails and cards that need to be made and of course editing pictures!
I've been thinking alot of what I want to change in the new year and I've come up with a few things. 1. Take a picture everyday...I joined a Project 365 group on flickr. 2. Read my Bible every day. I'm not going to say a chapter, or so many verses, just to be reading and in God's Word every day. 3. To post more regularly here. I have gotten to know a few of you better this year and I have enjoyed keeping up with you on your blogs...and it really does help for me to come here and just write things out sometimes. I don't think I should say that these are New Year's Resolutions...I never seem to follow through with them....but New Year's Goals maybe. Anyway....hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and that the New Year brings you many blessings!


Rebecca Jo said...

I'm sorry you are in a funk... I can relate... I think it has something to do with this time of the year that really makes some people just BLAH... I know I've had my nights with tears lately myself... so you're not alone!

But keep focused on your new year GOALS...!!!!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Dont' feel bad, this time of year gets so many people down. I'm sure you've got many fantastic qualities and you are priceless!!!! Never feel bad about who and what you are!

I think you've got the right mindset not to set resolutions, but goals. Something to work towards! Somehow resolutions get forgotten but goals we strive for.

I like the idea of a picture a day.... hmmm might steal that one!