Friday, January 05, 2007

Today has already been a better day by far than yesterday! One reason, it is Faith's birthday! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Faith! Happy birthday to you! Faith, over at Baby Faith is three! Hope you have a great day!
We went to the basketball game last night to watch J play. What a game! It was quite a physical game and it went back and forth for quite a while and we were down by three and one of the boys made a three point shot and the ball was in the air as the buzzer sounded. It was like slow motion, we watched the ball ever so slowly make its way through the air hit the rim, bounce a bit and ever so slowly tip back toward the net and SWISH! In it went! We were jumping out of our seats I tell ya! It was great! Unfortunately J had fouled out and could not play, and soon another one of our best players, and tallest guys had fouled out too. The boys played hard and at the end of the overtime we were tied again! We couldn't believe it! We battle back and forth again through the second overtime and it comes down to the last ten seconds with the other team taking a time out at 8 seconds and again at 3 seconds and finally we won by 2 points! What a game!
I may go with C to watch J play with the sophomores tonight (he is a freshman) if everyone leaves on time. It is about an hour drive to get there and so it just depends on what time everyone leaves. I told C we could take my car and I will see if she wants to do the driving since she knows where we are going.
Oh, just in case you are wondering....I did finish the 2 liter of Pepsi yesterday by about 4:30. Maybe that was part of my problem....lack of caffiene. Who knows.
Anyway, I'm off....Happy Birthday Faith!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW - That is so sweet!!!!! If Faith could (I just looked over and saw that crazy crazy "emotional" avatar.. what in the WORLD???) read and type she would say "thank you.. you are the sweetest, bestest.. ever!!!!"

I'm jacked up on bucks.. which may be why I'm still functioning!