Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hey there!

VBS is now over :(. It was a great week and a very tiring one! I had 6th graders. K was the sound/video/snack quality control guy. K and I also had most of the week off, I worked on Monday. We finished up some projects at church during the day...river rock around some new areas of cement where plants won't grow, fixing the flood lights that are around the church, and getting the new sign set up.
I am working on editing some of my pictures and should have a massive photo post coming up for you very soon!
Hope you all are doing well, I'm off to find my pillow!


Jen said...

I am glad you had a great VBS week!! That is Awesome! I hope you're having a great weekend!!


Brandi said...

We just had a fun week at VBS too! I'll be looking for the pics. I wish I could find my pillow . . . it's 3:30 in the morning! :)