Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Nothing much.....

Well, not alot to report today....yesterday was just another one of those days, nothing real exciting happened, nothing real exciting happening so far today either. I went to bed about 8:30 or so last night, I was tired! Of course I didn't actually get to sleep until about ten or a little after, but it sure felt good just to get my jammies on and climb into bed!
Tonight is stuffed animal zoo night at Awana. I am working on sewing the head back onto a rather large stuffed dog that we have for K to take. Not exactly sure how the head became semi unattatched in the first place, chalk that one up for the daycare kiddos! If I think of it I will take my camera and take some pictures to share. Knowing me I will set it out to take and leave it on the table!


hollibobolli said...

You know I've got a patient just waiting for you!!

Heidi said...

You reserve an operating room and I'll be there as soon as I can! Maybe this is the perfect excuse to get K to let me head your way lol ;)