Monday, February 13, 2006


I think I need a weekend to recover from my weekend! We got the kids out the door and headed to the wake for our friend. It was hard enough, but when we walked in we saw R and J, our former pastor and his wife. R came up and shook our hands and looked us in the eye and talked for a couple seconds, but his wife was a different story. Three times we walked into a room she turned and walked out. I wasn't real thrilled with the thought of seeing them, but I was willing to put all the drama aside and go to be there for my friend. It showed me just what holding onto grudges and drama will do for you, and reminds me how thankful I am that I let it go. Honestly it may sounds corny or silly, but I actually look at this whole situation with their drama and leaving the church as the best thing that has happened to me! I have grown so much, I honestly feel like a completely different person and I have gained so many friends and adopted family, and had so many fun and new experiences because of it! I have learned how to knit, gone snowtubing, become more comfortable singing solos, I have come along way in overcoming my shyness in meeting new people and public speaking (thanks to an Awana counsel time!), and I feel that I have grown alot in the Lord. Aaaaaanyway.....
We found out more about the accident that our friend was in. The guy who hit him was towing a 20 foot bean drill that he had just bought and was told not to move because it didn't have the correct tires on it. The guy got in a hurry and decided to move it and a tire blew and the bean drill swerved into our friends lane and pinned him in his truck.
His wife and the boys were getting ready to eat and saw the ambulance go by. They stopped to pray for whoever was in the accident as they always do and J the oldest asked, What if Daddy was in an accident? She couldn't figure out why he would ask a question like that and soon the sherriff's car was in their driveway.
It has made me stop and think about how thankfully I am for all I have. Definately a reminder to tell your loved ones that you love them every day.
I got my set of five Jesus Freak books on Saturday. I also won a Precious Moments counted cross stitch pattern book for 98 cents plus shipping.
We went to a Valentine's Banquet with a group from church Saturday night too. It was alot of fun and the proceeds for that were supposed to go to a youth group trip, but they gave it to my friend who lost her husband instead. Pastor and the guitar guys were the musical entertainment. They also had Jeopardy and we did so bad! We were lik 1200 in the hole and for the final Jeopardy they let us wager all or nothing so we made it back up to zero! They had door prizes and K and I each got a book, I gave mine to the T girls as it was more for teens. C got one of the table decorations and insisted I bring it home, she said her boys would just tear it apart.
Well, it's about time to switch the laundry so time to close for now.....big hugs!

1 comment:

hollibobolli said...

That is just so sad - about the ambulance going by and it being for their father.. it really makes me sad. I hope you're doing okay.

Big hugs.
