Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Today has been an excellent day!! The girls were playing really well so we decided to go and get BT some birthday balloons to give to her at Awana tonight. The girls were ANGELS!!!! They didn't touch anything, they said please and thank you, and listened so well! I let them split a cookie before lunch. They played really well together the rest of the morning and they ate their lunches wonderfully! I didn't even have to fight Monster about going to sleep!
Tonight is crazy sock night at Awana. It should be a fun night. I'm going to wear my blue striped toe socks, I think I will take my flip flops along to wear there since you have to be able to see them for them to count for the points. I'll feel like a big old dork, but hey, why not it's for a good cause huh?!


hollibobolli said...

You need toe socks!!! Crazy sock night just sounds crazy!

Heidi said...

I have one pair of toe socks, but I noticed when I wore them on Wednesday that they are getting a hole. K1 told me that she got her pair at your favorite store for a couple dollars a pair. I have to go there to get my hair colored tomorrow anyway, so I may check it out.
Crazy sock night was just that....crazy, one kid even used DUCT TAPE for socks, taped to his legs and everything!!!! A couple boyss wore their Mom's socks, it was alot of fun!