Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year and Pictures

Happy New Year!!!
I feel so distant not blogging and reading all of your blogs!! These last two weeks have been a whirlwind! K's family was up for a visit. It was a short visit and we had alot of fun! They left Tuesday morning and we have been cleaning up, doing laundry, and catching up on some other projects since they left.
We didn't do anything exciting New Years Eve, I had chills all day and I crashed on the couch, waking up just in time to see the New Year in. New Years Day we went and played some games with some friends. They got Rock Band for the Wii and we took Apples to Apples along and played Liverpool Rummy before heading home around 10:30.
I've spent the day today getting my daycare forms organized for the new year and closing things out for 2008. One more check and I can formally finish things up.
I've taken alot of pictures, so I will stop rambling and post them for you
Casey (white Shih tzu) and Teddy (brown miniature poodle) outside on the front sidewalk

A picture I like of the trees next door.
A look down the block
K out shoveling
Our Christmas tree-a blue and white theme with some silver in for good measure
Looking down the front walk
Christmas tree snack-they loved them!
Miss A running down the path to the backyard
The swingset
K's Christmas gift from me
The Precious Moments that I got from PM and C. This year they gave me the one playing the triangle and the little boy with the bear
following the snowplow on the way to K's family Christmas
My sister in law S and I on the way to the family Christmas
My brother in law K, sister in law D, and brother in law B
K with the shot gun lighter he got from his brother B1 and sister in law D1
More yarn I bought with Christmas money. I'm making this one into a scarf for myself. It's nice and soft.
More yarn that I bought. Michaels had a sale!
The last of the yarn that I bought
This is where they put some of the snow that they clear from the streets and things in town
another shot
Driving down the road
K standing beside a snow pile at church
and climbing to the top
The lake just outside of town
Driving away from the lake
the Turkey river outside of town
Driving down another road
Icy road
Another spot where they pile the snow from the town roads and things

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome back and Happy New Year! I love the pictures, but boy does it look cold!