Anticipation! The boys were waiting for their Mom to come and pick them up. I loved watching them as they would practically stand on their tip toes and yell "That's not my Mom!!" as each car drove by. I thought about how excited they were to see they knew she was coming even if they had to wait for a bit, they knew she would be here.
It made me think about how I anticipate feeling comfortable in my own skin, but more importantly how I anticipate the return of my Heavenly Father, how just like these boys knew that their Mom was coming, that she would not forget them, I know the same of my Heavenly Father. And how I should anticipate His arrival with such joy and excitement! It makes me think about how thankful I should be instead of being stuck on the negative and petty. I know I've said it many times before but this Project 365 is really turning out to be a good thing for me. Not only am I getting the camera out more and using it and trying new things but it is a wonderful way to work through my feelings instead of staying stuck and getting depressed!
And more than just snapping a picture, which is what I started out doing, but maybe finding a little more of a meaning or feeling in it and blogging about it has been so enjoyable!
Thank you to those who have stuck around and are reading these maybe odd feelings behind the photos and checking out my pictures and the wonderful comments I have gotten! I really appreciate it!
Great picture and great sentiments. I'm starting to put a little more thought into my photos as well!
What a great post and illustration!! Beautiful!!
I keep seeing so many great photos this new year and keep thinking I should DO it!! I am NOT a camera person and NEVER think of it until I get on the computer and see all the great pictures!! I really want to be more of a picture taking person I just always forget to pull out the ol' camera and I carry it in my purse!!
So glad you've found a great outlet! I love your pictures and I am so glad you're doing it!
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