Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20

January 20
Originally uploaded by H3IdI
This is much later than I had originally planned to post this, but we've been having internet issues. This little star toy was tossed aside and sort of forgotten about while the kids played around it. I took all the color out in Photoshop except for the star and its shadow.

The kids got out of school at 11 this morning. It counts for a day, so that helps, but it does seem as if the worst of the storm has missed us. So far not even a mention of a late start, but we'll see.

I have an idea for a picture for tomorrow, but it requires me getting up with K about 5 am so it's dark in the house. Hopefully that will happen!


Brandi said...

I was wondering what kind of camera you are shooting with? I'm getting a DSLR for my bday in the next week or so and I thought I had my mind made up on a Nikon and now hubby thinks I should get a Cannon. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this. I'm having a tough time deciding.

Thanks! :)

Rebecca Jo said...

I gotta get me Photoshop!!!

Brandi said...

My bday is the 25th. :) When is yours?

Thanks for the info!