Monday, January 25, 2010

January 22
I had such a busy day on Friday. I had many things going on at once and this was my desk as a result. I got everything caught up and in the afternoon we got ready and headed over to our friends' place to pick them up for the basketball game only to get a call from the boys saying it was cancelled due to the fog. So as long as we were in the car we went out for supper and K worked on a bit of remodeling in their bathroom with him while his wife and I made some bananna bars and played a couple games of Sequence.
January 23 This was pretty much my view for all of Saturday. I slept in a bit and then had some typing work to do. I got that done and then we headed for a soup dinner/silent auction for a local 8th grader who has lukemia. We headed right from there to the basketball games where we watched the JV boys who lost, the Varsity girls who won, and the Varsity boys who lost. We had a short music practice and went over PowerPoint and then it was finally home to bed!

January 24 After church we went to my Mom and Dad's for lunch and hung out with them until it was time to leave for the evening service. We got to chat with my brother on Skype for a while. It was good to see him, he was planning to come home for Christmas, but between the weather and his car problems it didn't happen. He says hopefully in a couple weeks he will be able to make it though. This is a macro of my Mom's Christmas cactus....I had alot of fun playing with my macro and some of her flowering plants at the house.

January 25 Today started out well, the kids were on time for school and I got Mr. T sent off on the bus for afternoon preschool and a half hour later I got the text message that school was letting out two hours early. The bus kids actually had to stay at the school for an extra hour because they didn't want to send the buses out with the blowing snow and bad visibility. They have already called a two hour late start for tomorrow. Hopefully we can make it and have a basketball game tomorrow night! Tonight's game was postponed, and it was a makeup game from last week! Tomorrow night's game is a make up game as well! I've gotten almost everything checked off of my to do list today...the only thing that I haven't gotten done is write to my sister in law in Kuwait, but tomorrow is a slow day kid wise, and even more so now that I have had the evening to get more things checked off that to do list, so I'm sure I can get that letter written and out in the mail! This is a picture of some of the cds in our 101 disc changer. I love the mixture of colors of cds and rainbow effects on the back of the discs! I added a bit of a motion blur to this in Photoshop as well.


Brandi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a great one, friend! ;)

Rebecca Jo said...

Banana bars? MMMMM.. that sounds wonderful!

I love Sequence too!!!

Hope you have a wonderful birthday!!