Friday, October 29, 2010

Back again! This week has been even crazier than normal! K ended up taking a trip to Atlanta to work on a trailer. The trip came up in a hurry and things were planned for him to leave Sunday morning and come home again Tuesday night. Now, I have to say that we haven't spent too much time apart in our 13 years of marriage....(I was 19 when we got married :O and I have never lived by myself) so this was a big deal for us. He was excited, he has worked for this company for 14 years and happy to be chosen to go to work on this trailer. He showed me how to do all his work in his little soundroom at church and we got him all packed and sent off Sunday morning.
I went to PM and C's for lunch to help celebrate our friend J's birthday Sunday after church and ran some errands with C until it was time for our evening service. I had such a headache after church I came home and went to bed at 8:00! I woke up around 10 when K called to tell me he'd arrived safely and he was heading out early Monday morning hoping that the part had arrived (it was supposed to be there Friday, but they had heard that it hadn't arrived Friday night.).
Monday I got a note in my email saying that he'd bought internet at the hotel and I should go look for him on of the first things that I asked him was if he was heading home
to me the next day and he said no...the part hadn't arrived and I know some are going to think I'm a big baby and there are families out there who are going through much tougher situations and I totally understand and respect them for their strength and ability to do that...but I have to say honestly I lost it. I cried like a baby! I do not sleep well when he is not here and I was tired, thinking I had another sleepless night to look forward to, knowing I had to collect the garbage from around the house and get it out to the curb Tuesday night, set up and run his computer for Awana, and in the midst of it all get my normal responsibilities with work, Awana, and house work done. I was a bit stressed out. He called and we talked for a couple hours which helped me feel a bit better, but I was still a teary mess!

PM and C had me over Tuesday night to do some cleanup and fixing on their computer, that helped the evening to pass quickly! And in the midst of that K called sounding very tired to tell me that the part had finally come and the work was finished so he would be heading home Wednesday afternoon.

He finally came home after two hours of delays on Wednesday...we were in the midst of all that "lovely" wind and wintery weather. They say it was the biggest non tropical storm to hit the US! We had 60mph winds Tuesday and Wednesday! I went out to get the mail and it was sleeting and snowing! Thankfully it didn't stick!

He finally made it home around 10:30/11 pm Wednesday and we headed to bed since he had to go in to work Thursday.

Thursday after work he hung out with me and Little Miss and she showed him all the new things she learned to do and all the new words she learned to say while he was away those few days and we watched 2012 On Demand. I should say K watched it, I fell asleep!

He took today off and after sleeping in we got up and ran a few errands and just hung around the house for most of the morning into the early afternoon. After lunch he worked on the yard and I went to visit a friend who is in the hospital after triple bypass surgery. Now we're back to just hanging around the house enjoying a quiet night!

I am SO happy to have him back home!

I didn't want to say too much beforehand....especially since I'm not used to being on my own...but I do have to say thank you to Brandi for the support and messages even though you didn't know what was going on! I really appreciate it!

So there ya go...there's my week in a nutshell for ya! Like you really wanted to know haha! Hope you all had a better/calmer week!

I'm off to enjoy some snuggles with the hubby!


Brandi said...

I'm so glad K is home, and I don't think you sounded like a baby at all (and we watched MIB the other night and now every time you say 'K' it reminds me of that movie. HAHA!).

I think we've talked about the fact that we both got married young. I married when I was 19 too. :) Unfortunately, DB and I have been apart because of work many times over the years, once for two weeks without seeing each other! Not fun. Neither of us liked it.

Have a great weekend, and I hope you catch up on that sleep!

Jen said...

Happy Halloween!! Glad your hubby is home! I don't think I would like to be apart from hubby!!

I tagged on you my blog! Come check it out!!