Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Gah! It's been so long again I don't even know where to start!

I was doing ok trying to keep up with things and all the sudden it was time to do the church newsletter! Then time just seemed to fly by and now that it is over and I've finally caught up on housework and things I find it's been entirely too long since I blogged last!

Lots of other things have been going on besides my typing work; flag football games, bridal showers, baby showers, realizing I had special music on Sunday in the midst of it all :l all sorts of fun! And of course there is Little Miss. She decided to cut four teeth at the same time to add to the fun! Poor thing! That made for some miserable days for both of us! She's also discovered the "joys" of temper tantrums! Fun stuff!

I've entered three more pictures into another photo contest and sent some of our fall foliage into a local tv station. I've also done some passport photos for a friend going to Brazil for a wedding, and some extra senior pictures (she won a professional shoot at prom, I did mostly outside shots with her) with another friend. And of course I've been taking lots of the daycare kids and just driving around and shooting sunsets and nature!

I've kept up with my clutzy ways during it all too! While I was doing the senior photo shoot I climbed up a few steps of the ladder and was shooting down at our friend with sheet music around her and K made me laugh and I slid off the step (I was in my socks) and not wanting to drop the camera I held on to that with my right hand and automatically grabbed the closest step on the ladder with my left. That plan didn't work so well and I ended up raking my wrist across the side and top of the step....needless to say about four inches of my arm was nice and multicolored! A couple days later I was baking and while I was stirring the filling ingredients to our Cinnamon Sopapilla I knocked the scissors off the counter and (point end down of course) right on my second toe! I made a face and all K could say was, "That didn't land handle side down, did it?" Thankfully it didn't cut too badly and it made for another one of my funny stories!

Now that I have some templates set up for my extra secretarial projects and I have one newsletter under my belt I should be able to write more, but I know I've said that before and it hasn't happened...I give you permission to yell at me if I don't!

I will post some of the pictures I have been taking as soon as I can get them edited too!


Rebecca Jo said...

WHEW... sounds like life is just BUSY for you! :) Hoping you are taking some breathers in there somewhere

Heidi said...

Hey Rebecca! Trying to take some breathers in there...mostly to sleep lately! Thankfully K has been alot of help with folding laundry and things! We've had some interesting conversations then too lol!

Hope you are having a great day!