Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Eve...we measured the snow on the deck table to see how much we've gotten
about 17 inches. Fun fun fun. It sounds like we are in for our fourth winter storm this weekend, but it may bring more rain with some higher temps. Not such a good thing when it freezes again.

This is yesterday, December 27, we had a fog, which brought what they call hoarfrost. The Rochester, MN news station asked for pictures, so I submitted the next three. This was the first one that showed up on their newscast at 5 pm.

This one didn't show on the newscast, but I still like it!

This one was quite popular and showed up on the 5 pm and 6 pm newscasts! I received lots of phone calls, emails, and texts about this one. One person even told me that they have used this for their desktop wallpaper. Someone told me I should enter this in the county fair next summer too.
Christmas was good, busy, but lots of fun, I will share more about that later, nothing planned tonight and I have LOTS of pictures to play with! Having fun with my trial version of Elements 9 and waiting for my copy to come in, but it's backordered and won't be in until the end of the month! Ahhhh!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a wonderful day today!

Friday, December 24, 2010

So I finally got my photo prints made yesterday! C loved it so it made all that worthwhile! We did get some cookie baking in too, now I'm waiting for a phone call to go back and finish up what we didn't get done.

It's snowing....again. They say we could end up with another 5-7 inches. It's getting depressing! We are running out of places to put it all...and I have heard of towns, some bigger cities even that have already used up their snow removal budget for the season. This is crazy! My Dad said that we are in for another big storm next week too. Joy.

I finished my house cleaning today and I've gotten a bunch of laundry done. Feeling pretty productive! And I got the official phone call that I don't have to do the church's newsletter for January! Soooo much less stress on me now! Feeling like I can get alot more done now too! I have alot of past things to type just to keep on file and hopefully this will enable me to get most or all of that done....that is until I get the new copy of Elements and then I know I will be all about the pictures!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas vacation!

K and I ran to Wal Mart last night (about a 20 min drive) because I wanted to get one of my pictures printed for a friend and the boys Mom told me that one of the local stores that do photo prints aren't able to do 8 x 10s now so we thought we could get a couple 8 x 10s printed and do some other last minute shopping. We got there, headed back to the photo machines only to find that they were closed. We missed them by about five or ten minutes! We did need a few other things so the whole trip wasn't a wash, but I was sure frustrated! Oh well, if that's the only thing that goes wrong this Christmas!

I take that back, C called and said that she has to work the whole day today not just the morning like she had planned and it sounds like she is watching the boys tonight so their Mom and Dad can go out to celebrate one of Mom's brother's birthdays. But still...if that's all that goes wrong!

Anyway....we slept in this morning and I cleaned the house. After lunch I did some online shopping with the gift certificates from the boys and their parents. Rebecca Jo...I did order Elements 9!!! I'm playing with the trial download version now and I LOVE the updates! The copy I ordered is on backorder, along with my copy of The Blind Side, but my copy of Fireproof and Veggie Tales A Silly Little Thing Called Love should be here soon!

We need to run into town and put a couple checks in the bank and try to get those pictures printed. They may be 5 x 7s instead of the 8 x 10s we'll have to see. Otherwise we're just hanging around and enjoying the day off together.

Hope you are all having a great day and a very Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

First of all...I owe Rebecca Jo a HUGE apology! I received a wonderful package from her a few days ago and I thanked her privately but I HAVE to show you all the BEAUTIFUL hand knit lovelies she sent me! Thank you thank you thank you Rebecca Jo! I was so surprised, excited, and thrilled to get your package and the lovely note you sent along with them! I still haven't been able to use them...they are decorating my kitchen for Christmas right now! Thank you so much Rebecca Jo!
This is the sidewalk leading up to our front door. The piles on the end by the road are a bit taller after I threw the snow that the plow blocked the end of the sidewalk in with while I was shoveling, but you can tell we have alot of snow! It is the snowiest December on record in Rochester, MN, about an hour from us, and I wonder if it isn't a record for us as well. I'll have to get K out there and get a picture of him standing on the sidewalk to give you a better perspective.

These are the bushes I took pictures of when it first started snowing right out in the front of the house. Now just piles of snow.
I am SO behind with Christmas coming so quickly! We haven't even put up the tree! C and I have done just enough baking for the cookies for the Christmas program Sunday night and we just finished shopping and wrapping the gifts!
Thankfully our church secretary is home from helping her Dad in Texas and she will be taking back her jobs so that means alot less work for me next week with the church's newsletter and hopefully I'm able to catch up on some other things around the house and be better at blogging more often!
Today is my last day of work before Christmas, and it's only my Bug and I. Nice quiet easy day! He's watching some Tom and Jerry while I get a bit of work and blogging done! We exchanged gifts with the daycare families and I received a wonderful gift from Bug, T man, and Mr. L and I am thinking about upgrading to Photoshop Elements 9. I downloaded the trial version to see the differences between 7 (that I have now) and 9 and so far I am loving it! I didn't want to upgrade just to upgrade and have the newest thing you know what I mean, but there seem to be some nice new features!
The cough is getting better, but I still have coughing fits if I laugh too hard....which of course seems to mean that K has to be in quite a mood and making me laugh even more than normal....to which he aplolgizes when it does happen but makes us both laugh even harder. Lovely cycle lol!
Well Bug is finished and wants to build with some blocks so must run for now! Big hugs to you all, hope you have a wonderful day!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Blah more snow! They let out of school three hours early today and have already cancelled school for tomorrow! I am so SICK OF SNOW!

We had our church Christmas program last night. Each family was invited to participcate with a song, poem, reading, etc. I was so busy I wasn't going to do anything but PM asked me to do a reading that he had recently done at a nursing home service. I was so nervous, but I think it turned out well.

The "lovely" cold is still hanging in there. Now I only have coughing fits when I laugh....which tends to be quite often. Blah!

Hope you all had a great weekend and I'll take some more pictures tomorrow to show you the new "fun" stuff outside.

Monday, December 13, 2010

This one is actually a couple weeks old but it's one of my favorites...a bald eagle in a tree just outside of town in our first light snow
Snowing on Saturday

It's piling up on our steps and railing

and on the bushes out front

Later on Saturday

and on the mailbox

another view of the bushes out front a little later with more snow

the neighbor's suburban late Saturday afternoon

snow, snow, snow

the neighbor is snowblowing his balcony! He did this at least two or three times on Saturday

looking out to the neighbor's house across the street

plowing out Sunday morning - looking out the front door towards the street

the table on the deck out back - they say we got 9.5 inches!

icicles on the side of the house

looking from the garage to the deck as we were leaving to take some pictures

piles next to a driveway at a house just down the road

such a pretty Christmasy scene

there is supposed to be a road here...it hadn't been plowed as of noon on Sunday

looking down our road

blowing snow on a road near us

a field on the edge of town

oved the icicles hanging there and their all kind of bowed

the main highway through town heading towards our church

the church parking lot...that's our Pastor's office

the main highway heading home

the main highway again

someone hit the street sign in their snow removal

more snow

love this snowman!


a road near a local park

blowing snow at the backside of the park

Sunday, December 12, 2010

We survived the Blizzard of 2010! They say that we got 9 and a half inches and that's more than enough for me! I shouldn't complain since I have heard that some places in more Northern Minnesota have gotten 20 inches or more!

I took a bunch of pictures that I will try to post tomorrow. It's been a couple of late nights and I'm going to be prepared for Little Miss a bit earlier in the morning...she may not make it at all since they live in the country but I'mg going to be ready, and posting pictures seems to take so long! A couple of them even made it to a local tv station's facebook album of pictures of the storm!

Madrigal was postponed from Saturday night to Sunday at 11:30, we cancelled church figuring it was safer for all involved and that our parking lot wouldn't be plowed anyway so it wasn't going to be a problem, but then they postponed it again until tomorrow night! It sounds like this is the first time they have ever had to rechedule!

Hope you all had more fun this weekend!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

So there was no basketball for us last night. We found out that our friends' son was not even going to dress, the coach is still sitting him out because he went to Brazil over Thanksgiving to be in a wedding...meanwhile a group of boys who were in trouble and are on probation for something like six months are now dressing and playing. We didn't get season tickets this year so K said he was not going to pay to watch C sit on the bench not even dressed. I did some of my typing work instead.

We are excited for Awana store tonight! I'm not going to lead my group tonight, I'll be taking pictures of the kids shopping and helping out where I can....hopefully anyway, I haven't heard that they have gotten a sub for my group for sure yet. And then after the kids are done the leaders can shop! It's a pretty good deal...one Awana share equals a quarter! I do some of my own Christmas shopping there some years and from what I have seen of this year's store I will be doing some tonight too!

I think my cold has come back a bit. Thankfully not as bad as it was before, but I start coughing and it's hard to stop, especially in the morning. And my throat gets so sore from the coughing. I broke down and bought some cough syrup at Alco last night. It's helping some, but when I get outside and breathe in that cold air it triggers the coughing all over again.

Well, Little Miss is running amok and she's rather cranky while doing that so I better run. Hope you all had a great day!

Monday, December 06, 2010

Weekends are going to be very busy in December and this last weekend was no exception! I was typing most of the evening Friday to go over PowerPoint Saturday morning after the men's breakfast. Well, with the snow and a few other things going on the men's breakfast was cancelled so we met a half hour later than we would have and got PowerPoint finished up and went home with enough time to eat lunch and then it was off to see a local kids theater group's play of The Velveteen Rabbit. They did a great job! Afterwards I still had to finish up my Sunday School lesson and a little retyping for Sunday and before I knew it it was after 11 and time to go to bed!

We had to be to church a little early on Sunday to make some copies for my Sunday School class and also set up a table in the back of the auditorium since my class was moved for the day because Awana store was being set up. We had one more hymn to finish up to be put on screen as well. After the Morning Worship Service we had choir practice, ran home to pick up the dogs, and then it was off to my parents house for lunch. We stayed and visited for a bit and dropped the dogs back at home and back to church to work on the Awana store. We worked for about three hours and headed back hom for a bit before the Evening Service. I think I caught a ten minute or so nap....the Evening Service was shorter and we came home and I was in bed by about 8:30...partly because I was so cold and we have an electric blanket on the bed!

K took the day off today and hung out with me and the Little Miss, which she LOVED! She had a really good day even with her teething! She was a bit off schedule and took a 10:00 nap instead of an afternoon nap and she was trying to go to sleep around 5 before Grandma came to get her. I kept her awake, she wasn't very happy, but she did perk up when she saw Grandma.

Tomorrow is a ballgame, Wednesday is Awana and Worship Team practice, and Saturday is Madrigal! The church's Christmas program is coming up too! And C and I are trying to find a time to fit our yearly Christmas baking in! Anyone have some extra time they want to share with me haha!

Hope you all had a more relaxing weekend and a great day today!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Well, it looks like winter and the Christmas season may be arriving....they say we could get six inches of snow Friday night into Saturday. Just because I know it's coming doesn't mean I have to be happy about it lol!

I think Little Miss is teething again. She hasn't been as fussy this time, but she is definately clingy! She is quite "helpful" when I am trying to type or get something written! She's had some good days in between, she helped me bake brownies the other day and she was quite proud of herself!

We had a good turnout for Awana last night. The kids were very energetic, but they were very well behaved! I love my group of girls this year! We have laughed and had a good time while they are working on their sections...for the first time in a couple years it has been like this....it's been a struggle trying to get kids to behave and follow rules and to get their sections passed. I am so thankful for a good year so far!

I've almost finished editing the proofs for our friend's senior pictures and I finally finished editing the school picture shots for her two sisters and her brother! I have the pictures from the Patriotic Banquet to edit and get on a cd, some of my brother's wedding reception to edit and post on facebook for him, and get some pictures I have of our Pastor and his wife to change out some of the pictures on our church's website and I will be finished with my big photo projects!

Well, guess I don't know a whole lot more so I'm going to run. Hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Wow! I can't believe it's December already! It is going to be a busy month! We already have tickets for a local community theater play of the Velveteen Rabbit for this weekend, C and I are going to Madrigal at the High School (the High School Choir serves a midevil times type meal complete with costumes...for the kids...and entertainment. They even have a boar's head!) We have our church's family Christmas program, and C and I have to do our yearly Christmas baking! Lots of fun!

It's supersize night at Awana tonight! I have my supersize item picked out, but K still has to choose his. I can't wait to see what the kids have chosen!

It's snowing a bit again today. Nothing really amounting to much but the snowflakes are in the air. Little Miss is a bit confused and keeps looking at me and asking "Raining?" I'll tell her it's snowing but in five minutes or so we're having the same conversation all over again!

Well, it's back to work with my typing (PM and C were away for a couple weeks so I had a bit of a vacation too!) so I'd better get busy and get to work so I won't be rushing with the play this weekend!

Have a great day!