Friday, December 24, 2010

So I finally got my photo prints made yesterday! C loved it so it made all that worthwhile! We did get some cookie baking in too, now I'm waiting for a phone call to go back and finish up what we didn't get done.

It's snowing....again. They say we could end up with another 5-7 inches. It's getting depressing! We are running out of places to put it all...and I have heard of towns, some bigger cities even that have already used up their snow removal budget for the season. This is crazy! My Dad said that we are in for another big storm next week too. Joy.

I finished my house cleaning today and I've gotten a bunch of laundry done. Feeling pretty productive! And I got the official phone call that I don't have to do the church's newsletter for January! Soooo much less stress on me now! Feeling like I can get alot more done now too! I have alot of past things to type just to keep on file and hopefully this will enable me to get most or all of that done....that is until I get the new copy of Elements and then I know I will be all about the pictures!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Jen said...

Merry Christmas Heidi!! Hope you had a wonderful day! I am in Arizona where it's in the 70s! I would LOVE to have some of that snow come my way!! I've never had a white Christmas before!!

Merry Christmas!!


Dani - tkdchick said...

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a joyous New Year!