Monday, December 13, 2010

This one is actually a couple weeks old but it's one of my favorites...a bald eagle in a tree just outside of town in our first light snow
Snowing on Saturday

It's piling up on our steps and railing

and on the bushes out front

Later on Saturday

and on the mailbox

another view of the bushes out front a little later with more snow

the neighbor's suburban late Saturday afternoon

snow, snow, snow

the neighbor is snowblowing his balcony! He did this at least two or three times on Saturday

looking out to the neighbor's house across the street

plowing out Sunday morning - looking out the front door towards the street

the table on the deck out back - they say we got 9.5 inches!

icicles on the side of the house

looking from the garage to the deck as we were leaving to take some pictures

piles next to a driveway at a house just down the road

such a pretty Christmasy scene

there is supposed to be a road hadn't been plowed as of noon on Sunday

looking down our road

blowing snow on a road near us

a field on the edge of town

oved the icicles hanging there and their all kind of bowed

the main highway through town heading towards our church

the church parking lot...that's our Pastor's office

the main highway heading home

the main highway again

someone hit the street sign in their snow removal

more snow

love this snowman!


a road near a local park

blowing snow at the backside of the park

1 comment:

Rebecca Jo said...

How beautiful it is... but so yucky to drive in!

I love that football snowman! Must be a house full of boys! :)

That white house is GORGEOUS! You can edit out that stop sign & make that a post card looking picture!!!!

What a beautiful picture of that eagle too!!!!