Wednesday, December 08, 2010

So there was no basketball for us last night. We found out that our friends' son was not even going to dress, the coach is still sitting him out because he went to Brazil over Thanksgiving to be in a wedding...meanwhile a group of boys who were in trouble and are on probation for something like six months are now dressing and playing. We didn't get season tickets this year so K said he was not going to pay to watch C sit on the bench not even dressed. I did some of my typing work instead.

We are excited for Awana store tonight! I'm not going to lead my group tonight, I'll be taking pictures of the kids shopping and helping out where I can....hopefully anyway, I haven't heard that they have gotten a sub for my group for sure yet. And then after the kids are done the leaders can shop! It's a pretty good Awana share equals a quarter! I do some of my own Christmas shopping there some years and from what I have seen of this year's store I will be doing some tonight too!

I think my cold has come back a bit. Thankfully not as bad as it was before, but I start coughing and it's hard to stop, especially in the morning. And my throat gets so sore from the coughing. I broke down and bought some cough syrup at Alco last night. It's helping some, but when I get outside and breathe in that cold air it triggers the coughing all over again.

Well, Little Miss is running amok and she's rather cranky while doing that so I better run. Hope you all had a great day!

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