Monday, November 07, 2005

Icky Move!

K took a full day off work today. He said things are slowing down and he has the time to use up so why not today. He took us uptown to do a little shopping at the Dollar Store, helped with lunch, is now mowing the lawn, and has to fix the light switch issue in the upstairs hallway. These little projects have been waiting for him but between work and the general business after work they just haven't gotten done. I am really looking forward to not having to walk upstairs in the dark!
We got his older brother and family moved on Saturday. These poor people! His middle brother's fiance and I were scrubbing the cupboards and drawers in the kitchen, the bathroom, and even the window sills. The people who moved out left the house a MESS! There were lots of spiders (sorry Holli!), a can of root beer, mold, and something that was dripped down the front of almost every lower drawer to be found in the kitchen. The bathroom was icky also, someone had gone potty and apparently not flushed the sink was coated in make up residue in the drawers, and hairspray or something all over the countertop. Someone had apparently recently taken a shower too, lots of hair and residue left in there. When they first walked into the house to start moving things they noticed that she had taken the shower head too. They called the realtor and said ummmm, No, the showerhead was part of the deal, one appeared, but it was a brand new one, not the same one that had been there before. SIL laughed and said, well this one is probably cleaner than that would have been anyway! There was about one light bulb in each light fixture in each room that worked too, the rest were burnt out!
We woke up late and got on the way to their place a little later than we had planned, but we still had a little bit of time before they got to the new house with the truck so we stopped at Wal Mart for my allergy medicine and Michael's to see if they had any different colors of the eyelash yarn or any new styles we thought I should try. Of course we ended up coming home with some, but when it was a little more than a dollar cheaper per skein how could I resist? Many that I have the yarn for are going to be given away anyway. They are alot of fun to make too!
Tonight is knitting group. We haven't met for two weeks so I am looking forward to it. I don't know if there will be much more for me to do other than knit away on my scarf, but it will be nice to get together with the girls and talk, and I may learn something from what the other girls are doing too, you never know!

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