Monday, November 28, 2005


Wow, what a day! I had Little T and L today so that C could spend a bit more time with her Mom, StepDad, Sister and Brother in law, as they came to visit for Thanksgiving and spoke at church on Sunday and they were leaving today. L had two accidents in his pants, Dad said that they think he may be lactose intolerant and he has been having trouble with that lately...and Little T decided to be a stunt man and take a face plant onto the carpet to get off one of the riding toys and ended up with a bump on his head and a bloody lip. I cried right along with him I tell ya! Monster decided she didn't like not being the baby and smacked him a few times for good measure too. Poor guys!
Our little vacation for Thanksgiving was good....don't know how relaxing it was, but I enjoyed it just the same. Wednesday I didn't even get out of bed until about ten or ten thirty. I grabbed a shower and then my Dad stopped over wanting us to look up some things on the internet for him. After he left we grabbed some lunch and headed to Wal Mart. I picked up some more yarn, of course, and K decided that we should get an artificial Christmas tree this year. It will actually pay for itself in a year or two as it has been 25-40 dollars for a tree, depending on how tall you wanted, around here lately, and now we won't have to go out in the cold to pick one out. Another bonus is no needles dropping like crazy and making a mess when you take the tree out, and no worrying about what to do with the tree when you are done with it.
Thursday was good, my Grandparents were up as well as my brother and we all had a lovely day together(somewhat unusual with Grandma around, she is usually quite opinionated and loud, but that day she was pretty good) and then we went to Pastor and C's house and met all the family and played a couple games.
Friday we did a little shopping uptown....ACE Hardware, but what K wanted was all gone so we just left, and then we made a couple trips to Radio Shack. The first time we got K a wireless keyboard and mouse for the church computer, some batteries, and a booklight for me. K ended up going a second time and bought some more batteries and a battery tester, and then after coming home and doing a bit of research on prices we ran back up and got the mp3 player they had on sale. It is a one gig player, and with the $70 dollar rebate it cost me about $50. It is technically a Christmas gift, but I get to use it now. My Grandparents give us $100 and a little gift for Christmas now that we are getting older and they don't know what to buy for us so K and I agreed that half of mine is now gone, spent on that mp3. Can't beat that kind of a deal though, you just have to go and buy it when it's only on sale for a day or two!
Friday night also brought practice...we finally got to see C who was back for the break from Chicago!!! We practiced for about three hours and talked some, but two of our group couldn't make it so we left deciding on practice at ten the next morning. We ended up going back to C's Grandpa's house and talking with them until a little after one!
Saturday we had practice and then I took a nap. We met C at Pizza Hut and then came back to the house to visit a bit more. We got to talk to him a bit more Sunday morning, and then he was off to Chicago again. So sad to see him go. Ok so I was a bit more emotional because it was ttotm, I sooo can not believe I just told the whole internet that too lol!
Tonight is knitting and I am really looking forward to it! I just started on scarf number 14 and it is always fun to see what the others have done too. It will be nice just to get out of the house and visit with some adults for a while too!
Tomorrow brings playgroup and another one of my drop ins, Miss S. Hopefully it will be a little quieter!

1 comment:

hollibobolli said...

After we cut down our tree, only to have a zillion bugs hatch in the living room - I'm ALL FOR artificial trees!!! Ours was always pretty - and bug free!!
