Friday, October 28, 2005

a close up of the tropical scarf Posted by Picasa
the scarf I am working on now lol yep it's for me lol, just started with the second ball of yarn for this one, this is the tropical color Posted by Picasa
lol this one will be for me to match my good winter coat lol do we see a pattern here lol this color is called mango Posted by Picasa
a little different eyelash yarn, it looks sort of glittery, its made of a little different material, it's called boogie blue and will be for me Posted by Picasa
this will be the school colors scarf, hopefully it will look ok when it's finished lol bright blue and true white Posted by Picasa
Capri, for my bil's fiance for a scarf for Christmas Posted by Picasa
the black scarf for my mil done and the brown scarf for my sil done Posted by Picasa

I'm addicted....

Lol ok so I'm addicted! Hello, my name is Heidi and I am addicted to knitting! Lol we went to Wal Mart last night and K picked me up some more yarn. One for a scarf for his middle brother's fiance, one for a scarf to match my good winter coat, and one that is our school's colors, this will be eyelash yarn mixed with a regular yarn. Something to experiment with. You know I like a challenge. And I know I haven't gotten pictures up yet, I hope to during naptime today if these girls ever get to sleep!
We were invited to listen to the football game and a small bonfire tonight. I haven't talked to K yet, but I am sure that he will want to go, sounds like something manly don't ya think?!
Nothing real exciting going on around here this weekend, I need to do some cleaning, maybe wash all the sheets and blankets from our bed, do my Sunday School, music practice, hopefully get some knitting time in there too. Lol see, I am addicted lol!
Well, looks like one is out, think I will get some pictures of my newest acquisitions and get these pictures posted!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Knitting fever

Good news, J came through his surgery just fine. The tear was actually smaller than they had thought so even better! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for him!
In knitting news I have finished the black scarf, the chocolate brown scarf for my sister in law, and I started the next one by myself! I had found this eyelash yarn to be more difficult to cast on with, but this time it actually worked! I am working on the Tropical color. This one is going to be for me. We picked up another color of eyelash last week when we went to Wal Mart too. Another one for me lol. I heard from the other bil and he said his fiance would probably like one and told me what colors her winter coat is. And actually I would love to make a couple more for myself as well! I will post updated pictures of the scarves soon.
It is cold and frosty here again! Really starting to make me think of winter quickly approaching, I am SOOOOO not ready for that! K needs to get my snowblower up to the shop to be fixed yet too. He was planning on working on it, but with all he has to do right now I asked him if it would hurt his feelings to just take it up to the shop and get it done and over with and he said that would actually be nice! Now just to get it up there!
Debating on taking the girls to the library this morning. It is just so cold I don't want to take them out to the park, M came with no coat today just a tshirt and a sweatshirt on and she has such a cough. An indoor day for us today.
Hoping that the kids leave at a decent hour today too. Another one of the "knitting students" asked me for a little help last night at Awana, so it sounds like I will be making a trip to her place after all the munchkids have gone. Knitting fever is spreading lol!
Well, guess that's about all I know for now.....think my brian is still a little frosted like everything outside this morning!

Knitting fever

Good news, J came through his surgery just fine. The tear was actually smaller than they had thought so even better! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for him!
In knitting news I have finished the black scarf, the chocolate brown scarf for my sister in law, and I started the next one by myself! I had found this eyelash yarn to be more difficult to cast on with, but this time it actually worked! I am working on the Tropical color. This one is going to be for me. We picked up another color of eyelash last week when we went to Wal Mart too. Another one for me lol. I heard from the other bil and he said his fiance would probably like one and told me what colors her winter coat is. And actually I would love to make a couple more for myself as well! I will post updated pictures of the scarves soon.
It is cold and frosty here again! Really starting to make me think of winter quickly approaching, I am SOOOOO not ready for that! K needs to get my snowblower up to the shop to be fixed yet too. He was planning on working on it, but with all he has to do right now I asked him if it would hurt his feelings to just take it up to the shop and get it done and over with and he said that would actually be nice! Now just to get it up there!
Debating on taking the girls to the library this morning. It is just so cold I don't want to take them out to the park, M came with no coat today just a tshirt and a sweatshirt on and she has such a cough. An indoor day for us today.
Hoping that the kids leave at a decent hour today too. Another one of the "knitting students" asked me for a little help last night at Awana, so it sounds like I will be making a trip to her place after all the munchkids have gone. Knitting fever is spreading lol!
Well, guess that's about all I know for now.....think my brian is still a little frosted like everything outside this morning!

Monday, October 24, 2005

I really haven't fallen off the face of the earth...

I'm finally back. Pastor's grandkids kept me VERY busy last week and with all my extra things going on at church and such I just did not have time to write. It was a very good week, just very busy!
Saturday night I finished the scarf for my mil. Now I have started on the second, the chocolate brown for my sister in law. I am using size 11 needles and have 22 stitches on this one. The black one for my mil I was using size 10 needles and had 16 stitches. I like both of them alot. I am about half way done with the one for my sister in law. I am just now getting ready to start the second skein of yarn into it. When I finish with this one I have to decide if I want to do the one for my other sister in law or if I want to do one for myself. I now have three to do for myself. K bought me some more yarn over the weekend at Wal Mart and I plan to use that one for a scarf for myself as well. I also had a friend say that if I would make one for her she would pay me for it. I may just take her up on that. It also sounds like one of Pastor's sons wants one! I haven't heard from the other bil either about his fiance wanting one, so I could be making one more. Oh well, I LOVE working with the fuzzy stuff! I also have plans for a fourth scarf for myself blending the funfur and a baby yarn. I am having alot of fun!
If you all wouldn't mind please pray for Pastor's middle son J tomorrow. He is having surgery on his knee(football injury) to repair torn cartilage. They really aren't sure how big this tear is and they are going in with a camera first to see how big the repair job is. He also hopes to be able to play basketball this season, again this all depends on how big this tear is. I'm sure he is a bit nervous and his parents also....but we are trusting God with all the details.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tropical Turquoise, the blue mixed with the "kernels" of color mixed in for a scarf for me. Posted by Picasa
Tropical, a mixture of blue, green pink, and purple, for a scarf for me Posted by Picasa
Citrus for K's younger sister for a scarf for her birthday in February. It's hard to tell but it is a mixture of a light blue and a light almost neon green, and Posted by Picasa
The chocolate brown for a scarf for K's oldest brother's wife. Posted by Picasa
A more up close picture to try to show the "fuzziness" Posted by Picasa
My mil's scarf for Christmas Posted by Picasa

Kids and scarves.....

It's been an interesting week already, and it's only Tuesday. I had Pastor and C's grandsons yesterday. It went really well, the only thing that I could complain about is that the one year old would wake up and SCREAM when I put him down in the play pen after I had rocked him to sleep. When Daddy came to pick them up I told him about that and he said that Little Man HATES play pens! He said that I am better off putting him on the floor or the couch and then he will stay asleep! Good to know for tomorrow! Otherwise we had a really good day!
Last night was knitting. I finally have a really good start on that scarf! K accidently spilled root beer on it the other night, ok so it was partly my fault, should have known better than to put the can that close to the scarf! And then as I was looking at it it seemed really really wide. So....we decided to scrap that and restart using about half the stitches that we had started with. I can not seem to be able to cast on with this yarn so I had to wait until last night to get restarted. I now have about 11 inches knitted. Have I mentioned that I also have a chocolate brown for my oldest bil's wife to make a scarf for Christmas as well as a blend they call citrus to make a scarf for K's sister a scarf for her birthday in Feburary, a blend they call tropical that I want to make one for myself, and one that is the fun fur as well as little "kernels of color" as they call it on the label called Tropical Turquoise to make for myself sometime too! And was thinking if I could find the right color I should make one for other bil's fiance for Christmas too! Am I NUTS?!? At least mine can be done anytime, no hurry on those. It really seems to be going pretty quickly. I started now so I would have plenty of time too, didn't want to be rushing at the last minute.
Nothing going on tonight so I hope to get plenty knitted too, and if I get tired of that there is always the counted cross stitch that I haven't touched in a few months too! This one is a gift too, but the recipient doesn't know it's coming so it will still be a surprise. I hope to get to bed early too as tomorrow looks to be a long and busy day.
Going to take some pictures of the scarf right now plus the other colors that I have to make scarves with and will post them during naptime at the latest. Little C (drop in) is here, but he leaves right after lunch, Monster is with her Aunt so that leaves just me and M here for naptime and she usually goes right out, so that will leave me with plenty of time to get them posted! I will have K take a picture of me post haircut tomorrow when it's all nice and done up. I don't do it all up fancy usually if it's just me and the kids, I like sleeping in too much lol!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Teddy and Casey Posted by Picasa
M and Monster hehe I figured you would like this outfit Holli! Posted by Picasa
K and Casey Posted by Picasa
Me before haircut Posted by Picasa
Casey and me Posted by Picasa
Don't they just look so thrilled to be posing lol Posted by Picasa
Such a cute little Monster Posted by Picasa
M just hangin around Posted by Picasa
Monster on the play equipment Posted by Picasa
M in the tree at the park Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 13, 2005


We ended up having Worship Team practice last night and it was such an off night for me, I could not hit a note to save my life it seemed. And the songs that we are doing are all songs that we have done before, nothing new, just don't know why I couldn't hit anything! But then that's the way my whole day went so why not the night too?!
I am hoping to get to make a Wal Mart run tonight, it depends on what K thinks and if the girl that cuts my hair is working tonight. I am really needing a hair cut but I am picky about who cuts my hair. I hope to get K a haircut too but we will see how agreeable he is to that lol!
I will post a progress picture of the scarf for my mil soon, I need to download a bunch of pictures from my camera actually and get some of them printed at Wal Mart if we go.
Other than that, I guess there isn't much going on around here. Pretty boring!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My babbelings for a dreary day

Today was the monthly three hour early out for teacher inservice. Fun fun, like I really need something else thrown into my lunch time routine. But we made it, and I will admit that I like this better than the two hour early out that we had on Friday for Homecoming, having to make the school run right in the middle of naptime is not a fun thing.
I haven't heard from my "friend" today. We'll see if I do for a while now again......
I had a good start on the scarf for my mil and then one of the plastic needles I was using broke in half! I almost cried! If it wasn't so comical I think I would have! I had troubles with the knitting and getting extra stitches in there and now just when I am getting the hang of it and getting a good start the needle breaks in half! And that's not mentioning the quick fix that K had to do on the end of one the other day! I emailed my knitting teacher and she is bringing over another pair of knitting needles that I can borrow to work on the scarf, I have the next size up, but that pair is being used to make my tote bag! I also have the next size down, but she says she wouldn't go down a size, rather go up so she said she would come over once I get the girls down for nap. I think I will have her start me out a row or two as this eyelash stuff is really difficult to cast on.
Awana tonight, Measles night. As the kids pass sections they get to put sticky dots on the leaders and who ever has the most average spots (as some groups have one kid some have three or four) gets silly stringed at the end. Should be lots of fun! And two of my girls get awards tonight, one just passed her start zone and gets her uniform! I am excited!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


The daycare kiddos are having a rough week this week. Monster had a bought with the stomach flu so she was out yesterday, she is back today, and I got a call this morning that Mr. C woke up with a rash on his face, and his Mom doesn't know if it is contagious or not so she is keeping him home to take him to the Dr. She was off today because she was taking M to get her picture taken with her aunt that is the same age!
I got a good start on the scarf I want to knit for my mil for Christmas. I had to have my knitting teacher get me started again on Sunday night. I don't do well with the casting on anyway, but this eyelash lace or fun fur, whatever you call it is more difficult. So far I have done pretty well, I broke the tip off of one of my plastic knitting needles, but K fixed that the Mr. Fixit that he is! He stuck it in the pencil sharpener!!!! Strange thing is it worked! I have gotten a little bit done and as it is only me and Monster having a quiet day today I hope to get some more done, either that or some stitching.
Pastor's son has a football game tonight, looks like it may be the last home game so we are going to go watch him play. Monster's Mom is going to go and watch her sister cheer so if her Mom is not off by the time K is done with papers then we are just going to take Monster and meet her there. Hopefully it stays warmer today.
I made a mistake and turned my instant messenger on this morning. My "friend" who I didn't think that was on my im anymore, she had taken me off, imed and wanted to talk. She said she wanted to apologize, but it turned into her venting off what I had done wrong and how I made her shut down. Then her asking where our "boundaries" are, can she call or text or stop and talk to me at school, my question was is there a friendship if you feel that you can't do these things? I don't want to lose a friendship, but I can not let myself be beat up and run down like this! I just don't know how hard to try anymore. I can't be there to run for her every beck and call, I have a life of my own and I know she isn't going to like that, but I have to do what is best for me. She just knows what buttons to push, fortunately I have done some growing and have been getting better with my defenses. It still upsets me that she tries to lay everything at my feet, I know it's her problem and not mine but dang!
Anyway.....I am singing on Sunday. It was supposed to be a duet but the other girl just got a new job and is moving and is so stressed out she broke down crying on my shoulder after church on Sunday. It doesn't bother me too much, I know the song that I am doing, and actually a little easier for me to practice, just have to work around K's schedule. Pastor said that he would listen to me run through it to see if he could be of any help too. Will probably take him up on that offer after practice for Worship Team. Don't know when that is going to be either, we are hoping to go to see one of the other guys from church play football in a neighboring town, actually Pastor said he wanted to go too so maybe it will be a Saturday practice. That would be good.
The girls lost their volleyball games last night, but the good thing is that our friend's mom made it! She looked pale and you could just tell that she wasn't feeling well, but she made it. They got the results of her CAT scan back and they think it is Chron's disease or something similar. AT least they have it narrowed down so that they can help her, but they said it is something that can flare up at any time too. She said the last 24 hours had been good for her and hopefully each 24 hours after will be better and better for her!
Well, enough rambling I suppose....better go and get something constructive done!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

An interesting weekend

Well, we ended up going to the parade. Mr. C and M were very good and Monster left on time so I said sure, why not. It was a pretty short parade, but the kids loved getting out and getting the small bit of candy that was thrown.
It was a good decision for me too on a couple fronts, I got to talk to Pastor's daughter in law and ask her about the schedule that she will need me for her boys in January. It looks like the only day I will have a problem with is Monday and I am thinking about seeing if one of the homeschooled girls that we camp with would be interested in helping me out a bit on Monday afternoons. Not sure what I would pay her, but at least want to make it worth her while with gas prices and all.
It was kind of an interesting day as well; I got a call from my "old friend" A (the one who really hasn't been much of a friend to me). She said she was filling out a job application and wanted to know if she could use me for a reference. I told her fine, no one that has ever used me for a reference has ever had an employer call me anyway. She then proceeded to tell me that she left the internet group that we had joined when we were friends and I left because these people seemed to think that computer was more important than real life and didn't like the little graphics or short posts that I was posting. She told me that no one really wanted to listen to her problems at home and whatnot so she said forget it and left. Really I think that it all boils down to the same problems that we had, the same problems that ruined our friendship. Everything having to be ALL about her and isolating herself and pushing people away not to mention the negativity. Well with her leaving that group she became all talkative and trying to act like nothing had happened between the two of us. I was polite, but tried to make it clear that I am not just the rebound friend that she can turn to when there is no one else around or online for her to talk to and complain to. I am not just there for her to use and abuse.
Actually I have to say that my self confidence has been better since I have not been in such close contact with her, I feel free to be me, free to have and voice my own opinions and not be put down for them.
We also went and visited our old friends that we have not seen since we left the other church Friday night. This left me very thankful for the modest home that we have and our new church and new friends there. This family lives a different lifestyle, they don't use a microwave because of the radiation, no cell phones because the government can track you, women must wear dresses and skirts not pants, there are girl things to do like being a cheerleader and boy things to do like playing football. We were there for a few hours and came back with a whole new appretiation for what a good life we have. They really are nice people, just following a different path. They believe it is the right path and you can't fault them for that, they don't try to push their beliefs on anyone else and don't look down on you because you don't live your life like they do. Just made me very thankful for what I have now.
Today was filled with little things, K went to church to pull out the old furnace so they could put the new one in, planting some hostas around one of our trees out front, some tulip bulbs along the side of the deck and some flowers out on the backside of the pool fence, and doing my Sunday School. I need to clean the house yet, but really don't feel like it so I am here procrastinating. Fun fun fun!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Do I just attract all the wierdos?!

Yikes, what is this door to door salesperson week!?! I just had a Jehovah's Witness stop here! At least he was a bit more friendly and not as scary looking, but still! Or maybe it's just that I attract all the wierdos! Actually I have heard that a couple ladies from church did buy that cleaner that the strange guy stopped by here selling. The one that was my age said that it was a girl possibly in her 20s selling it, and the other lady said that she felt sort of grandmotherly towards the guy that stopped at her house. I'm surprised that they let these people into their homes being alone and with everything that is going on now days.....guess I am just more paranoid.....but then when I am alone with other people's kids in the house I really am not going to take any chances!'s another chilly day here today, it's ten am and it's a whole 43 degrees. It's the homecoming football game tonight too, the fans will freeze sitting and watching that game! Not sure if we are going to go or not, we talked about going, but we also talked about seeing where another friend's son's team was playing tonight, about going to visit some friends in a neighboring town that we haven't really gotten to visit with since we left the other church (about a year and a half now) and about just staying home and going to bed early! Guess we will see what kind of a mood that K is in when he gets home.
The kids get out of school early today. Normally it's not a problem but it's right in the middle of naptime! And then there is the little matter of the homecoming parade. It wouldn't have been so bad; Monster is leaving early and M didn't realize, but Mr. C knows and asked me about it in front of both the girls on the way to school this morning if we were going. I said maybe, it depended on behavior, if M got to sleep right away (told him it was very important that M got a nap, especially with her cold), and how cold it was. M's dad brought her in a short little skirt this morning! I found a pair of K's sister's pants that she could wear. they are big and I have to roll them up some, but at least she would be warmer and it wouldn't be so bad with her cold. It can be such a cheesy parade that some years it doesn't seem like it's worth going to....we will see I guess.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Just looked at my blog and saw that my little weather girl over there obviously has not gotten the memo that the weather has changed! Me thinks she would be blue and shivering standing outside in what she is wearing in that picture! Ok, maybe blue is exaggerating, but shivering most definately! It is now 2 pm and the temperature is a balmy 41 degrees!!!

It's too cold!!!

I just love the way kids' minds work! Last night at Awana I was checking out the store and the storekeeper is the mother of one of my drop ins so we were talking a bit before we got started. I saw the cutest puppy stuffed animal in her basket and I couldn't resist picking him up and giving him a squeeze. Her fifth grade son came up about then and started to listen to us joking about how I was going to hold that puppy hostage so no one could buy him, that I wanted him and I started to say how I LOVED stuffed animals and puppies and stopped in mid sentence looking for the right word and this little guy had us laughing as he tried to finish my sentence. I started out saying I just have this.......and he looks up at me and very quietly says......helpless feeling???? Lol too funny!
It is COLD today! The temperature at 9am? 39 degrees!!!!!!!!! It's only supposed to get in the 50's today! No wonder the girls are getting colds, it was in the 80's on Monday and Tuesday and then rainy and cooler yesterday and COLD today! Unfortunately that means that the dreaded s word (snow) is just around the corner too. I am soooo not ready for that!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Rainy day thoughts

Well, the girls lost the volleyball game last night. They aren't a really great team, but last night they really could not get it together.
It rained earlier and looks like it could rain again. Very glad that I have gotten C to walk to the car as I park in the loop instead of having to take the girls out and stand on the sidewalk and wait for him. M has come down with a nasty cold now too, will be better for her to stay where it's warm instead of standing out in the rain. Poor girl just looks so sad :(. She doesn't complain though, just sneezes, blows her nose, washes her hands and plays until its time to start that cycle all over again.
Shocking myself this year and actually starting to think about Christmas gifts and it's only early October!!! Next thing you know I will have my Christmas card list done!(Considering that I did not even get cards sent out last year that really would be amazing!) Monster's Mom let me borrow her LTD catalogue and I have a few gifts picked out from there, and one of the neighbor girls came around last night with her fundraiser for school and we picked out a gift for K's brother last night. I just hope that there is no snow to go along with these holiday festivities any time soon!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Quiet day, thankfully!

Nothing much to report today. One of the drop ins came this morning and we went for a walk and played a bit at the park. Think it wore the girls out! Thankfully Monster is napping (she only slept about 20 minutes yesterday rather than her normal two hours!)!
We have a volleyball game to go to tonight. One of the last home games the way it sounds. Then basketball season will be upon us. We have gone to a few football games too, actually still need to go and watch one of the boys from church play. Yish all these games and none of the kids are even ours! What are we going to be like when our own come along!?!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Creepy Guy Alert!!!!!

I was sitting here after just getting both girls to sleep and the doorbell rings followed by a knock on the door. I open the door to find some tall, lanky, geeky, teen age looking kid with glasses and a basketball cap on. I didn't recognize him but as I open the screen/glass door he proceeds to ask if I was the lady of the house and starts to tell me about this cleaning product that he is selling. I told him I wasn't interested and he almost takes a step forward (hello! invasion of personal space anyone?!?!) and is all,"But it's an ALL PURPOSE cleaner. Me thinking, big whoop, says no thank you! AGAIN he tries to take that step forward and asks me if I have a cleaning lady and this time I look him in the eye and say just a bit more forcefully NO thank you, I'm NOT interested and shut the door on him. And then and only then, after I had shut the door did he turn and walk down the steps and away from the house! Door to door salesmen are just a bit odd and out of the norm in this day and age, but this guy REALLY freaked me out! Just a bit too forceful and trying to invade my space were enough, but you know sometimes you just get that "vibe" from some people and he just made me shiver!

I'ts Monday already??????

Well, it was a fun weekend, but I accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHNG!!! We went to watch Pastor and C's youngest son play flag football Saturday morning. He really isn't into the game but it's what the "guys" do so he plays. They did pretty good, lost the game, but they had fun! After that my parents stopped over and Dad and K hauled the tree branches he trimmed out to the compost dump or whatever it's called. At two we headed over to Pastor and C's house to put a basketball hoop up on the garage roof. Easier said than done. They didn't have the mounting kit so they were building their own. Their oldest son said it looked like an erector set! C and I sat out in the yard supervising and playing with her grandsons while the guys worked. It was a beautiful day, but the bugs were out with a vengance! I am still itching from all the bites! We finally got home around 9 or so and K still had some work to do at church and I had Sunday School. I crashed after I finally finished reading over my lesson! It takes alot longer when you keep dozing off you know!
Sunday we went out for Chinese with Mom and Dad and then we were off to Wal~Mart. We found my parents a very basic digital camera. Dad has wanted one but didn't want anything as fancy as my Nikon Coolpix. It's a big step up from the 110 camera that they had been using!
Speaking of pictures I have more to share soon, I just can't resist taking pictures when I have such cute subjects around! It doesn't help that they are now asking me to take their pictures either!!!!
Well, guess that's about all I know for now, and it's time to switch the laundry. Must teach girls to dial for help should I get buried in that mountain!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

What Kind of Food Are You?

You Are Italian Food

Comforting yet overwhelming.

People love you, but sometimes you're just too much.

What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You?

What Your Sleeping Position Says

You are calm and rational.

You are also giving and kind - a great friend.

You are easy going and trusting.

However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games.

How Addicted to Blog Things Are You?

You Are 55% Addicted to Blogthings

You're a Blogthings fiend - addicted but not totally dependent.

So what if you know your personality type by heart?

And while you may feel like Blogthings is crack...

There are people much worse off than you!

How Do You Live Your Life?

How You Life Your Life

You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.

You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.

You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.

You tend to always dream of things within reach - and you usually get them.

What Part of Fall are You?

You Are Apple Cider

Smooth and comforting. But downright nasty when cold.