Friday, October 28, 2005

I'm addicted....

Lol ok so I'm addicted! Hello, my name is Heidi and I am addicted to knitting! Lol we went to Wal Mart last night and K picked me up some more yarn. One for a scarf for his middle brother's fiance, one for a scarf to match my good winter coat, and one that is our school's colors, this will be eyelash yarn mixed with a regular yarn. Something to experiment with. You know I like a challenge. And I know I haven't gotten pictures up yet, I hope to during naptime today if these girls ever get to sleep!
We were invited to listen to the football game and a small bonfire tonight. I haven't talked to K yet, but I am sure that he will want to go, sounds like something manly don't ya think?!
Nothing real exciting going on around here this weekend, I need to do some cleaning, maybe wash all the sheets and blankets from our bed, do my Sunday School, music practice, hopefully get some knitting time in there too. Lol see, I am addicted lol!
Well, looks like one is out, think I will get some pictures of my newest acquisitions and get these pictures posted!!!

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