Monday, October 03, 2005

Creepy Guy Alert!!!!!

I was sitting here after just getting both girls to sleep and the doorbell rings followed by a knock on the door. I open the door to find some tall, lanky, geeky, teen age looking kid with glasses and a basketball cap on. I didn't recognize him but as I open the screen/glass door he proceeds to ask if I was the lady of the house and starts to tell me about this cleaning product that he is selling. I told him I wasn't interested and he almost takes a step forward (hello! invasion of personal space anyone?!?!) and is all,"But it's an ALL PURPOSE cleaner. Me thinking, big whoop, says no thank you! AGAIN he tries to take that step forward and asks me if I have a cleaning lady and this time I look him in the eye and say just a bit more forcefully NO thank you, I'm NOT interested and shut the door on him. And then and only then, after I had shut the door did he turn and walk down the steps and away from the house! Door to door salesmen are just a bit odd and out of the norm in this day and age, but this guy REALLY freaked me out! Just a bit too forceful and trying to invade my space were enough, but you know sometimes you just get that "vibe" from some people and he just made me shiver!


hollibobolli said...

See - now I wouldn't have even opened the door. I usually just yell through it "THIS IS WHY I HAVE LOCKS.. TO KEEP OUT PEOPLE I DON'T KNOW. GOODBYE!!!"


Heidi said...

Lol NOW you tell me lol! Seriously thinking that I will be listening to you next time!!!!!