Thursday, August 20, 2009

First day of school!

Today is the first day of school! The daycare kids have a variety of feelings about this. L is quite happy and excited, T doesn't seem to care either way, and right now it really doesn't mean much to Tater. Miss C is the oldest sister in the other family and she has been panicked, she goes to Jr High this year and it is a whole new situation with no desk to leave her books in and going to a different room for each class. It will also be much bigger for her, she has gone to one of the outlying schools and their class sizes are much smaller, but they all come in to the school in town for Jr High and High School. Mr. C seems to be quite excited about it, I-man, I'm not sure about, and Miss A can't wait for her preschool to start. Things may slow down a bit work wise for me, we are still trying to work out a schedule or two. I have also picked up one more daycare kiddo for now....R from next door. His Mom is going back to school if she can get the financial aid. The problem is that her school starts today and she won't find out about her financial aid for sure until tomorrow after school.
I have R until about noon and Miss A is coming for an hour while Mom takes I-man to his school to meet the teacher for about an hour. After they leave I am going to go and hang out with C for a while this afternoon. They had another friend drop off some sweet corn and she asked if I would help her out taking care of it. I had yesterday off and sat around the house and did my Sunday School lesson, billing, laundry, made up some birthday and anniversary cards, and counted down the time until prayer meeting, so I was very happy to have the invitation to leave the house and spend time with one of my best friends!
Well enough babbeling for now, hope you all have a great day!

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