Monday, November 15, 2010

Not such a great day today. Nothing major and again, I know some of it I'm being overly sensitive about but just in the midst of things going on I'm just a bit sad. I'm not writing for everyone to ask what's wrong or throw a pity party or's just today. I know that alot of it is that I'm overtired and I'm really hoping to get to bed here soon and solve that!

I'm almost done editing one of the family photoshoots and still considering names. My favorite so far is Foggy Creek Photography. I'm not set for sure though. If you have any other suggestions there is still time to share lol!

I know another short nothing much post, one main reason I have a hard time with NaBloPoMo, but it's a post. I promise to get better starting tomorrow and respond to comments as well.

Hope you had a great day!


Rebecca Jo said...

Sad? I'm sending you far-away-hugs!!!!!

I LOVE the name Foggy Creek Photography!!! That's AWESOME!!!!

Jen said...

I really hope today's been a better day for you. I know we all have those bad days!! Please know I am thinking and praying for you!!
