Saturday, November 20, 2010

Oh! I almost missed it! It's been a busy day... we slept in a bit, I got a couple phone calls and answered questions about tomorrow's church services,my parents stopped in and wanted me to look up some websites to order checks and check out some used car dearlers in the area, we watched the wedding in Brazil online and had a little "adventure" with A and A, and got our regular work done at church.

I still have to bake a pie for the pie fellowship after our Praise and Thanksgiving Service tomorrow night and of course I still have lots of pictures to edit...I am working on those though, slowly but surely!

I did get the house cleaned but with everything else going on I didn't get any laundry done, or as much typing or picture editing as I'd hoped. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!

Hope you all had a good day and were able to relax some!


1 comment:

Dani - tkdchick said...

Sounds like a busy, busy day!