Thursday, May 26, 2005

A day full of surprises

The first of my Blingo movie tickets came in the mail today! Even better is the fact that when I checked out the theaters that would take the tickets I found that the one in Decorah, a half hour from here, would accept them! I was so afraid that I would have to travel at least an hour or hour and a half to use them.
I also got something in the mail from the bank, Fast Track Rewards or something like that which will allow me to choose a $15 gift certificate from Borders. There were other choices, but I think that this is the best choice. Now I just need to get K to agree haha! I don't think that will be take too much though!
I got two phone calls last night about daycare. One is coming June 6 to check things out and see how they like it; she has a 6 year old and a 3 year old. About a half an hour after that I got another phone call, and if the reverse phone search is correct they were in Nebraska. No clue how either one had gotten my phone number.
Just waiting for Monster to nap so I can hopefully get a bit of reading in. Need to call C and tell her that I can't make it to her birthday party Saturday too....she is having it at the church that we left and besides the Pastor and his wife not speaking to us since we left it would just be too weird. We have a graduation open house to go to anyway.....

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

B and her teacher on the last day of school Posted by Hello
N and her teacher on the last day of school Posted by Hello

My Non Post

Nothing much to really post today. Went to Wal Mart last night and got my hair cut while we waited for the pictures I took of the girls to be done at the one hour photo.
Tonight I think that K is going to church to work on some of the little projects that need to be done around church in the new building. Pastor Mike is away for the week at a Pastor's conference so I am not sure if they ever decided to have prayer meeting tonight or not, I told K that I may just go along and if they do maybe I will go to that, otherwise maybe I will just hang out and help him and his friend B.
Had Monster out for a walk and a bit on the swing this morning as I have heard that it is supposed to rain this afternoon.
Guess thats about it....

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Another beautiful day!

It is the kids last day of school today. They had their final awards assembly where they get their Perfect Attendance Awards and Teriffic Kid Awards for the K-3rd grade, and Perfect Attendance Awards, Honor Roll, and Bug (Bringing Up Grades) Awards for the 4-6 grades. I took Monster up and we sat through the two hours (broken up into grades as mentioned in awards given above) and took pictures of B and N, since their Mom had to work and could not get off to come and see them. I also took pictures of both of them with their teachers.
In the second assembly and old high school friend came to see her sister get her awards so she and another sister sat by Monster and I. It worked out well as the other sister kept Monster entertained and made it easier for me to get some pictures.
Tonight I think that I am going to see if K wants to go to Wal Mart with me so I can get my hair cut and get pictures of the girls printed off to give to the girls' parents. If he doesn't want to do that I am going to take all of the newspapers that K and Mom have left over after the paper route to Pastor's wife. She said she is going to use them in the garden somehow, to keep the weeds out or something. The drop in that I was supposed to have didn't show, so I make drag out the stroller and take Monster on the walk with K and Mom on the paper route. It will get us out, get me some exercise, and not have to just sit and push Monster in the swing for an hour and a half like she usually wants!
I am sooo enjoying these last few nice days, but unfortunately it sounds like this will be coming to an end tomorrow, the rain will be coming back, boo hoo!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Sunny Sunday

Another busy weekend this weekend, but it was lots of fun! Saturday was the last day for soccer for A's boys. The first game was cooler but not raining, the second game it was starting to sprinkle and by the end it had started to pour. We were good and wet, but they got to play most of the game, I think they called it five or ten minutes early.
Came home and changed and hung around the house while K napped and worked on his car with my Dad. After they were done K changed and took me to Wal Mart. I picked up a skirt and top set and another skirt that was on sale, plus a few extras that we had been going without since Monster's Mom was so far behind in payments. I got an Integrity iWorsh!p cd set, some fleece fabric to put on another set of flip flops that I have, K got a clip art cd set, and some snacks and things we wouldn't normally get.
Sunday was church, lunch at my parents' house and spending most of the afternoon outside there, a graduation open house, evening service for church, and it was so nice after that K got the bikes out of the garage and we went for a bike ride. My legs hurt so bad after we got home!
Today I need to get through the laundry mountain, possibly one of my drop ins will be coming over, and hopefully a bike ride for a little destressing and relaxation after the kiddos are all gone.
Tomorrow brings the last day of school for the kids and their last award assembly, so Monster and I will be heading up to the school to see that.
Fun fun, well off I go to the laundry mountain, if you don't hear from me, or hear a call for help under the pile please come looking for me lol!

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Which flock do you follow?

this quiz was made by alanna

Soccer in the rain

Well not much to say today. Went to A's boys last day of soccer and it started to rain in the middle of the older ones game. They played their whole hour, but I was sure wet when I got home! I can't wait until we get a nice day with no rain!
Not sure what we are going to do with the rest of the day. K went to get one more part for his car, but it is still rainy looking and wet outside so he can't really work on that or mow the lawn like he was thinking he should this weekend. I am trying to convince him that we should go to Wal Mart. I could use a trim on my hair, would like to pick up a bit of fleece fabric to tie strips on my second pair of blue flip flops to make them like the pair I bought from the 7th graders when they had their businesses up on main street. Also since I was paid K has said I may be able to get some clothes since I don't have much spring/summer things to wear for church. We'll see once he gets home.
I got a note in the mail from S today. Her mom put their new address on the envelope, now I don't have to email and ask her what their new address is so I can send them a thank you note. I will have to send S a little note as well.

Friday, May 20, 2005

I can't believe it!

Well I am shocked to say the least, but I HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL!! Actually a bit overpaid! I am so happy! I really didn't think that she would pay me the whole amount, she told me last night that she may only pay me half the amount, she would have to go home and figure out the bills. I thought for sure that would trickle down into my usual hundred dollars.
Music practice in tonight, yay! It will be more fun now that one of the guys is back for the summer from college and he will be playing the drums for us! I can't wait!
The only thing that would make today better would be if K's car would be finished and it wouldn't cost us an arm and a leg for the repairs. I am hoping that it will be done as my friend A's boys' last day of soccer is tomorrow and if it isn't done they will have to come and pick me up because K was informed that he will have to work overtime Saturday morning. He will make it a little late for soccer, but if A and her hubby will come and get my I wouldn't have to be late.

Jen from Jen's Periwinkle Place tagged me so here are my answers:
The rules are simple when you're tagged.
Choose 5 items from the list to write about.
Tag 3 other individuals when you're done.

If I could be a scientist...
If I could be a farmer...
If I could be a doctor...
If I could be a painter...I would have to paint something of the modern art type since I am sooo not artistic!
If I could be a gardener...I would kill everything, I SO did not inherit my Mom's green thumb!
If I could be a missionary...
If I could be an architect...
If I could be a linguist...
If I could be a psychologist...
IIf I could be a librarian...I would be in big trouble, I would be reading and reading and reading and not get much other work done!
If I could be an athlete...
If I could be a lawyer...
If I could be an innkeeper...
!If I could be a professor...
If I could be a writer... I would love to write children's books.
If I could be a llama rider...
If I could be a bonnie pirate...
If I could be an astronaut...
If I could be a world famous blogger...I think this would be alot of fun, but I think all in the same I would be very intimidated and get writers block lol!
If I could be a justice on any one court in the world...
If I could be married to any current famous political figure...

Now I tag Julianna from Cross Stitch Ramblings, Kali from Kali's Creations, and Erica from Moira's Little World.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

This is my month!

Ok, I love Blingo! If you want to check it out go here; and we can win together. The one friend that I referred just won us another set of Blingo movie tickets! This is really our month! Between the two of us we have won a cd, a set of Blingo movie tickets, State Fair Tickets, and another set of Blingo movie tickets! Now all I need would be for Monster's mom to pay me all of what she owes me! Let's see, if she works the hours that I think she will for today and tomorrow that will bring us up to a grand total of $483.55! I know what I would do with that money too!! Looks like some of it will now have to go to pay for K's car repairs, they found one sensor they needed to fix and as of last night that has now turned into two or three. Of course it has set outside undriven for a year or so because my sister in laws sister couldn't figure out how to drive stick shift. But....I am still not holding my breath on getting paid because I hear that she has made at least two shopping trips since she told me that she would pay me, so I am waiting for that old trusty excuse that she doesn't have enough to pay me this time, she will make the minimal $100 payment, not so bad until you concider that her bills are usually around $77 so we are just covering a week at a time and holding a good $400 balance....... ahh well, we will see. Guess I just have to hope for the best concidering how well the rest of my month has gone!

Stitching Blogger's Question
How many strands of floss to you prefer to stitch with? Why? I generally like to use two, one because that is what most of my patterns call for and two it does seem to give good coverage. I have used three strands a couple different times and find this to be a bit bulky to stitch with, and using one for backstitching only seems a bit thing from what I am used to. I suppose it's more just a matter of habit....

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I actually won something!!!

I got a phone call a bit ago that told me that I won tickets to the State Fair from the 4H raffle! I almost had to ask the lady to repeat herself, I never win anything! Now whether or not we will actually use the tickets is another question. We never go to the State Fair, but I do have a friend who has offered to buy them from me if we don't want to use them. A little extra money would be nice too!

My wonderful husband!

I have such a wonderful husband! Yesterday was one of those chaotic afternoons; we tried to get K's car to the shop and it died halfway there, not wanting to start again, well I had to get to the school to pick up my afterschoolers so he hopped in my car and we picked up the girls and then headed back to his car hoping it would start and make it the other half of the way to the shop. What most concerned me was him having to cross the highway with it, but he made it and they had it torn apart and problem found about an hour later. Good news is that the part will only cost about $30, hopefully the labor isn't too high, and he should have his fixed car this afternoon! He had to deliver papers with my Mom as well, and made a quick stop at the house of the lady who is teaching me how to knit and pick up the bag I forgot Monday night and drop off some cds I borrowed from her, and pick up a few things at the grocery store (even my favorite candy bar! Caramello yum yum!).
After all the kids left we started talking and I told him that the lady who is teaching me to knit is leaving today for two weeks and I was almost out of yarn so I guess I was going back to my cross stitch for a while and he told me that we could run to Wal Mart, he needed a couple things and we could get some yarn then too. Of course I jumped on that offer! He even took me to McDonalds for supper! I thought I would pick out one, maybe two new colors of the cotton yarn and when I asked him what color he told me to get three! Such a nice guy!
Now you know what I will be doing lol although I may not get much cross stitching done! I really do need to get back into stitching as Butterfly expressions is a gift for someone, but I do enjoy knitting even if I only know the one stitch for now! After she gets back my teacher promises to teach me how to purl as well as another way to cast on that may be easier! Just what I need, a new addiction lol!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Monster and her new haircut! Posted by Hello
Butterfly Expressions Posted by Hello
My knitting Posted by Hello

Knitting obsession

Last night I went for another lesson in knitting. My teacher is leaving on a two week trip on Wednesday so she had me cast off and finish my first dish cloth and I started on a second, still just doing the basic knit stitch. She told me that if I would like she will teach me to purl before she leaves, but if I am more comfortable to just continue with the knit stitch. I think I may just continue with the knit stitch as we did some experimenting last night with how I hold the yarn and I have developed my own style and she tried to get me to hold it like she does and the tension of my stitches became very uneven and she told me to go back to the way I was doing it because they were much neater before. I have also found out what I was doing that caused the extra stitches on my needle and the holes that I have occasionally had. So just to make sure I am really comfortable with what I am doing I like the idea of continuing with just the one stitch for now.
I haven't done any cross stitch, I have been obsessed with the knitting lol, but I do have updated pictures of both that I will post as well as a picture of my Monster with her new short short haircut. She looks like such a big girl now!
Looks like today is going to be another chilly and rainy one so maybe I will get some stitching in yet. Looking forward to a nice quiet, crafty night tonight though, I didn't get home until almost 11 last night! K was about ready to get in his very unreliable car and search for me! I didn't realize it was that late until I got in the car to head home, there was no clock in the room that we were knitting in, and of course we were visiting so the time just flew by!
K has an appointment at the shop for his car this afternoon, hopefully we can find the problem and get it running good for him, and I can have my car back!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Wild weekend

Well, this weekend was another busy one after all. K's brother and his wife came down and left the kiddos at her parent's house and we went out on a kid free night for them. We checked out the chinese restaurant in the town a half hour from here where the Wal Mart is. They took over the empty store that a shoe store was in and made their restaurant much bigger and nicer and added a few things onto their buffet. It was a very nice meal. After our meal we went to Wal Mart and just wandered for quite a while. Did some minimal shopping but I did find a couple of outfits that I may just have to go back and pick up if Monster's Mom pays me the whole amount she owes me! (I know I have had the lecture before, I am too nice and let her start on payments, but they really were in financial trouble at the time, now it will be nice to have the $400 she owes me!)
Saturday at 10 we went to church to practice with the couple that were going to do music on Sunday. That took quite a while and we ended up going downstairs and having sandwiches for lunch with the family. We left there around one and went over to my parents which turned into K and my Dad figuring that they needed to come and work on K's car. Well, now the car is pretty much non functional, but they did get the check engine light to show up finally, so maybe they can find something when K takes it in to the shop to put back on the computer. But that also means that now he needs to take my car to work since I don't have any running to do during the day now. He promises that he will work as little overtime as possible and be back in time for the after school run. They didn't finish until a bit after eight and we finally ate supper at about nine. Finished up the Sunday School lesson and went to bed.
Sunday brought the normal morning at church and the dinner at my parents again, but Mom and Dad said that they were going to go to Dad's parent's place to take her some things for Mother's Day, so we came home early and I started on some more knitting (my teacher helped me a bit Sunday morning after church and I am FINALLY getting somewhere!) and just relax until we had to be back at church to help serve for the graduation open house. That kept us running from 4:30 to 7 and we stuck around and visited with some friends and the graduate and her family until about nine. Made the call to the inlaws to see how everyone was doing and it was off to dreamland.
Today is full of laundry, laundry, and more laundry. I decided that as long as I was going to do laundry I was going to do the bedding too, why not add more to the pile lol!
And as mentioned before I am finally getting the knitting thing so I will have to get a progress picture of that posted soon too. Hopefully tonight after all the kids have gone home.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Catching Monster in the act

On Monday in Erin's blog, Tale of a Baby Human~check blogroll to the right if you care to go and read the post~ she was showing Ben's new trick which of course I found to be adorable but doubly so because this is now Monster's favorite trick, complete with the "I see youuuuuuuu!" while she does it, so I just had to share a picture of Monster doing said trick as well, see below.
News on the knitting front isn't so good, last night I tried to switch over what I had been working on to the extra set of needles that the lady teaching me had left to see if I liked better and ended up losing everything I had worked on. Not so bad in the fact that I know I had made some MAJOR boo boos and was looking forward to putting my new cotton yarn onto the needles and progressing well with them. But, alas, it was not to be. For some odd reason I keep getting more loops over my needles than I started with by the third or fourth row and I have NO IDEA what I am doing to make this happen. I have tried to restart with the new cotton yarn about four times now!
I haven't gotten any stitching done as I have been concentrating on knitting, but I have gotten more done since my last progress picture so I hope to get a new picture posted soon. I know I am procrastinating......but I have a good excuse, honest! Lol!
What looked to be a nice slow weekend is quickly filling up, if I could be a very busy person tonight in fact if I could be in two or three places at once.......
All I can say is it's FINALLY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! Hope you have a great weekend!
My little Monster Posted by Hello

Stitching Blogger's Question

Given the option, would you rather buy a chart and get the material and floss together yourself, or buy a pre-packed kit?

It depends on the pattern for me. I have alot more charts than I do kits, but I really don't mind either one. The only bad part about the kits is I do worry that I will run out of floss because the name they call the floss in the kit is never what I would call that same color and I worry that I won't be able to find the correct color if I do run out of that color. Otherwise I would buy a kit just as quickly as I would a kit, the price is more of a consideration to me.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Blingo and other ramblings

Go here and we can win together.... I have one friend signed up so far and she won us a Blingo movie ticket this morning! I am so excited and it's just a silly movie ticket! I don't even know if they accept them in any theaters near me, I am out in the boonies of Iowa!
I have gotten quite a bit of knitting done today already, I had to do the defrag and get rid of cookies and everything so I sat here and knitted while I was waiting for the computer to do its thing. I am a bit nervous for my "teacher" to see my progress, but excited all the same because I am finally doing it, I think lol!
It's S's last day in my daycare today. I'll miss her! It will be nice in the fact that this means less running here and there for her, but it will be awfully quiet with out her. Not to mention the fact that I have watched her and her brother since they were infants. Hard to believe that her brother is now 6 and a half! And S is four and a half!
The Survivor finale is Sunday night. Normally I look forward to this with lots of excitement to see just who will win the money, but this time it is almost blah. All of my favorites have been voted off already. I have two that I would like to see win over others, but even this just isn't the same. What do you think?
Looks like this weekend will be nice and quiet. It doesn't sound like we will have Praise Team practice, one couple's son in law is coming down for the youngest's graduation from high school so he will be leading the music. Cool! He and his wife led music one other time and they were awesome! That I am very much looking forward to! That just leaves house cleaning, soccer, and Sunday School. Not so bad. No evening service Sunday either. The family who's son in law I mentioned above are having the youngest's graduation open house at church, so we will technically still be at church that night lol!
Well, I'm off to try to get Monster to nap and then relax a bit with S. Have a great afternoon!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Last night we made the treck to Wal Mart. Made some copies of the pictures from the Mother Daughter Banquet and did some other general shopping. K bought himself an electric weedeater so he was pretty happy. He has had a gas one, but the gas tank leaks and I think that something else may be wrong with it as well, so now he has something reliable, hopefully......
I bought myself some cotton yarn. J, the lady who is teaching me to knit says this will be better for a dishcloth, and maybe easier to work with right away than the yarn that I have been using which has a tendency to split with the bit of color woven into it. They really didn't have much in the line of color choice or price choice for cotton, most everything was 100% acrylic or an acrylic blend with cotton.
This morning I took Monster and ran uptown. They had seventh graders make up a product and today they were selling them on main street, an entreprenureship workshop sort of thing. I bought Monster a little beaded bracelet, myself a soothie(rice in some fabric that you can put in the microwave or freezer to help sore and aching muscles, scented rainforest), a button with the school mascot only because half of their proceeds went to one of the basketball players(17 years old I believe) who has cancer, and put in an order for a pair of flip flops with some of the fleece fabric on them( I could have picked them up now, but these girls really didn't have many on their table so I said I'll just put in an order so you can still use them for your table). I spent $11. Not bad, just hoping K doesn't get too upset since we spent $90 at Wal Mart last night. I don't think he will mind, I just hate spending when I don't know exactly where we are at bill wise right now, he told me he would give me some cash last night but I fell asleep before he came to bed(he was taking the trash out) and I forgot to mention it this morning.
It's kind of a dreary day today so I don't think Monster will get outside, looks like a day filled with stitching and knitting, maybe I will even get to nap when she naps~not holding my breath though!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Blue ribbon snake

Just got back from the kindergarten pet show. One of my friends little guys had a "pet" in it so I got S and Monster together and we went to see him. He made Slither the Snake out of braided rope with a wire in the middle and covered it with fabric that looked like a snake's skin. Very cute. He got the blue ribbon for the longest snake.
I got a little bit of a start on knitting last night, and have done a bit more today. I enjoy it emmensly already! When we first got started I was just not getting it and ready to give up, but slowly my coordination improved and I have a start on a washcloth. We decided I would make a washcloth to get the basic knit stitch down and it would also make something functional that didn't have to be very pretty.......good thing!
I know have a bit of a rotation with knitting and my cross stitch. I will knit a row or two and then do a bit of stitching a little more knitting and a little more stitching........ and how long do you think it will take me to get Butterfly Expressions done now?!? I will post a progress picture of both my stitching and my knitting soon.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Happy Mother's Day!

We survived the Mother Daughter Banquet Saturday night. It was actually very nice. The guys got a look at how low stocked and old things are in the kitchen at church. They made a trip to our house for serving spoons and two trips to the dollar store for more silverware and bowls I believe it was. This includes one of the ladies going to Rochester to get silverware so we could set the head table. We ran into a bit of a jam with the dessert too, but we didn't have as many ladies show up as were on the list so it all worked out in the end.
The program was wonderful, the decorations were beautiful, and we got to visit with old friends we don't see often and met some new friends so I think it was a great night.
Sunday brought a Sunday School class to sub in for both K and I. That went pretty well, then we went to Mom and Dad's to give Mom her gift for Mother's Day. I think she liked it. We went over for dinner and when we walked in the door no one was there, we walked out back and noticed that they were across the alley meeting the family that just moved into the house diagonally from them. We went over and visited with them too, they were very nice and I am glad that we got to know them. I took the twelve year old to meet the girls next door, who come to my house after school, and I hope that they will get along, everyone seemed so shy! My brother, N, and his girlfriend and her little boy came over later too and planted some flowers for Mom in a nice pot.
Today is back to the grind, laundry, daycare, cleaning up the house. Thankfully it is almost naptime! One bright spot in my day is that one of the ladies from church who has promised to teach me to knit is coming over tonight to start! I can't wait.
Well, back to the zoo.....

Friday, May 06, 2005

Must. Stay. Strong. Must. Not. Stitch. Just. Yet......

Well another week has flown by. Now if I can just survive the weekend. We have to decorate for our Mother Daughter Banquet tonight. Should be lots of fun (said somewhat sarcastically). I guess that we are planning for right around 96 people. Fun fun fun. Not exactly sure how we are going to fit all the tables and chairs into the old auditorium at church for the meal, but hey, we'll work something out.
The weather has finally decided to be springlike and we have had one play day and are looking at possibly a trip to the park this afternoon with some friends since it is so nice out today. I hope so, I think it would do me good to get out and enjoy the outdoors for a while.
Haven't gotten a whole lot done on the stitching front. After tomorrow I should be back on track and able to get some serious work done to finish the first wing of the butterfly on Butterly Expressions. It is taking a lot of willpower not to just sit down and stitch away, and get my other work done instead. I may just break down soon, especially if we don't get to go to the park.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Stitching Blogger's Question

Finishing SBQ
Do you finish all your finished pieces? (pillow, frame, etc,) If so, how do you finish the pieces? If not what do you do with them?
Mine usually end up in frames. Done by hubby or myself. I am thinking about having Home of the Brave professionally framed, just waiting to see what hubby thinks, afraid to see how much it would cost.

Freebie SBQ
What is your opinion of Internet "freebies?"

I have found some that I like and all in the same I have found some that are somewhat "cheesy" and nothing that I would like to do, it all just depends on where you get it from. Each freebie must be judged individually.

Monday, May 02, 2005

What a weekend.

Well, it was a busy but pretty uneventful weekend. Went and watched A's kids play soccer Saturday morning. The oldest of the two was out in la la land and kept insisting to us that the score was one to zero when we were watching and counting and infact the score was three to zero, and that boy spent more time on the ground that morning! That and somewhat aimlessly chasing after the ball when normally he is a big go getter and does very well! After that it was supposed to be a quick run to Wal Mart to pick up my second set of pictures I had printed from my digitals off the computer but that turned into a little more shopping as W, A, and the boys rode along and we ended up going out to eat first.
I wanted to go for Chinese but since W and A had plans to go to the Chinese restaurant there next week that plan was scrapped and we ended up going to one of our favorite little pizza places that has a buffet with pizza and fried chicken and mashed and broasted potatoes. Normally a very nice little place to eat, but that day I don't know if they were understaffed, overworked, or what but they tables had not been cleared and there was no silverware. I thought we would probably end up using plastic silverware or something, anything but the spork! Well A decides that she can't wait and starts cleaning tables off since one of the employees has left her tub and cleaning spray and rag at the next table, EMBARASSING!
We ate and were out of there as soon as physically possible for me and on our way to Wal Mart. A good hour and a half or two hours and more money than was expected later we are on our way home and off to Pastor's house to do some work there for them. K was pulling stumps from bushes and I was working on the computers and they invite us to stay for supper of what else, fried chicken and broasted potatoes! It was good and so nice to get to really sit and visit with them as well. Lots of fun at music practice that night too!
Sunday started out normally, but ended in an hour and a half drive to my dad's parents (which I should mention usually only takes and hour) but we had Dad's truck and that doesn't have much power at all, but we needed it to bet the saw and bikes that we were supposed to bring home. Fun fun!
Today is back to normal lots of laundry and kids to chase and speaking of, Monster will be up soon and I better get back to it.....

PS Thanks Busymom for my first Trackback!