Monday, May 16, 2005

Wild weekend

Well, this weekend was another busy one after all. K's brother and his wife came down and left the kiddos at her parent's house and we went out on a kid free night for them. We checked out the chinese restaurant in the town a half hour from here where the Wal Mart is. They took over the empty store that a shoe store was in and made their restaurant much bigger and nicer and added a few things onto their buffet. It was a very nice meal. After our meal we went to Wal Mart and just wandered for quite a while. Did some minimal shopping but I did find a couple of outfits that I may just have to go back and pick up if Monster's Mom pays me the whole amount she owes me! (I know I have had the lecture before, I am too nice and let her start on payments, but they really were in financial trouble at the time, now it will be nice to have the $400 she owes me!)
Saturday at 10 we went to church to practice with the couple that were going to do music on Sunday. That took quite a while and we ended up going downstairs and having sandwiches for lunch with the family. We left there around one and went over to my parents which turned into K and my Dad figuring that they needed to come and work on K's car. Well, now the car is pretty much non functional, but they did get the check engine light to show up finally, so maybe they can find something when K takes it in to the shop to put back on the computer. But that also means that now he needs to take my car to work since I don't have any running to do during the day now. He promises that he will work as little overtime as possible and be back in time for the after school run. They didn't finish until a bit after eight and we finally ate supper at about nine. Finished up the Sunday School lesson and went to bed.
Sunday brought the normal morning at church and the dinner at my parents again, but Mom and Dad said that they were going to go to Dad's parent's place to take her some things for Mother's Day, so we came home early and I started on some more knitting (my teacher helped me a bit Sunday morning after church and I am FINALLY getting somewhere!) and just relax until we had to be back at church to help serve for the graduation open house. That kept us running from 4:30 to 7 and we stuck around and visited with some friends and the graduate and her family until about nine. Made the call to the inlaws to see how everyone was doing and it was off to dreamland.
Today is full of laundry, laundry, and more laundry. I decided that as long as I was going to do laundry I was going to do the bedding too, why not add more to the pile lol!
And as mentioned before I am finally getting the knitting thing so I will have to get a progress picture of that posted soon too. Hopefully tonight after all the kids have gone home.

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