Thursday, June 30, 2005

So tired

Feeling kind of down today, but I know that has alot to do with not getting enough sleep. I had knitting on Monday night, practice for the concert on Tuesday night, prayer meeting and practice again last night, so I have not been getting to bed until after eleven and then trying to get up at 6 for the kids to get here. No fun. I am really dragging today! I finally gathered up my courage and offered to sing a bit on Saturday if Pastor wanted, but it doesn't sound like he is going to need me, nice in a way too, I can just enjoy myself and relax!
It sounds like it is going to be cooler this weekend too! Nice as I really don't think this camp will have air conditioning in our rooms lol! The heat isn't so bad, but the humidity has just been terrible!
I started my newest knitting project this week too, going to try to make a tote bag. Not starting out real well so far, but then it really probably wasn't a good week to start lol!
Guess that is all I know for now.......

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Catching up on the excitement

Sorry for not popping in and posting but as you may or may not have noticed I had some issues with blogger lol! I was trying to add something to the sidebar and the next thing I know poof everything went wacky! Jen was kind enough to point out that it may be something with one of my posts that I made, which I think did help alot when I deleted it! I think that we are getting things back in order now, hopefully anyway.....
There has been lots of excitement at our house over the weekend and into this week. It all started on Sunday when after church and our VBS meeting my Dad came looking for us, he had gotten a call from my brother saying that he had gone in the ditch and needed us to come and pull him out. Now, knowing the way my brother drives we were all wondering what we were going to find when we got out there. Come to find out that he not only had his girlfriend, her little boy and himself in the car, but the baby girl of one of his girlfriend's friends. And like I said the way my brother drives we were all very thankful that it was just in the ditch! Apparently he had gone to swat a bug from somewhere because she won't touch bugs and he noticed he was going onto the shoulder on the opposite side of the road and turned to get back on the road and over corrected and ended up in the ditch on their side of the road. They hit something in the ditch and it spun them around to face the opposite direction. K was able to pull them out but it did look like the car was going to roll at first, but he was able to get them pulled out without incident.
We grabbed something to eat and after catching up a bit we took them out to the fair. We went into the Expo building and walked around one last time and we noticed the local quilt shop's booth that we hadn't noticed before. I saw that they were giving away a sewing machine and joked with my mom that I should sign up and then maybe I would learn how to use it if I won it! We laughed and I signed up thinking it would be the last I would hear of it and we went on giggling through the rest of the building. Monday I was getting things cleaned up and ready for the kids to go home and I got the phone call that I WON THE SEWING MACHINE!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! I never win anything! Even the movie tickets that I have won on Blingo were from A's surfing! Lol I told K that this definately proves that the Lord has a good sense of humor!!!! And my knitting teacher has told me that she will teach me how to sew now too, and the quilt shop will give me free classes on how to use my machine! I am so excited! I have always really wanted to learn to sew and make myself clothes, but didn't figure I would ever learn, now I have no excuse!
This weekend my parents are going to puppy sit and we are going to Ironwood Springs with Pastor and our drum player from our Praise Team. The other singers aren't going and our two guitar players have cancelled on us, it sounds like we do have practice with a possible sub for a bass player tonight though. K is going to do sound and I was just planning on going along for the fun of it, but I told K that if Pastor wanted me to sing I would, try to make it a little more fun as he has been kind of bummed that it would most likely be just him and the drum player. Either way it will be nice to get away for a bit for the weekend, even if it is only for one night! Then with Monday being the 4th no work!!!! Gotta love that!
Well, the kids are napping finally so I think I may go try to catch a quick nap too. Laters......

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


UGH, I don't know what I did here but it isnt good! My sidebar is completely gone!!! HELP!!!!!!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Fair fun!

Today Monster's Mom didn't have to work until 11:30 so she came in early and helped me take kiddos up to the fair to see the animals. It isn't such a big chore with just the two I would have had, but she wanted to take Monster to see the animals too and it was just nice to have another adult around. I concidered it payback for the other day lol!
The kids were really good, and it was HOT! We were all glad to get back to the house in the air conditioning! I always knew I had a bunch of clowns here, but now I have the picture to prove it lol! They had one of those frames that the kids can stick their heads in and it looked like they were a bunch of clowns in a car! I will post a picture of them soon! Don't know if I can change my heading here, but that would be the PERFECT picture to use if I could lol!
Don't know what we are going to do tonight for sure. We went up to the fair last night and ate and walked around and then around 10 we went to Pastor's house and watched the fireworks after the rodeo. Pastor's wife had been out picking strawberries in the morning so she fed us all well with strawberry shortcake! It was sooooo good! Tonight is one of the wristband nights for the rides so it should be packed. I would actually like to go and get some pictures of the ferris wheel and things in the dark. I took one picture like that last night and it turned out really neat. I am loving experimenting with all the settings and things on this camera!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Running here and there

Yesterday all the kids left early so I got a chance to just lay down and relax for a while until K got home from doing papers. That was sooo nice! These early mornings are really catching up with me! I think they are with M and C too, C has napped for the last four or five days by his choice, how many six year old boys do you know that voluntarily nap?!
K took me to Wal Mart and I checked at Smart Cuts, but the girl who normally cuts my hair wasn't there. I thought about it and decided to go ahead and get it cut anyway, it was pretty bad. I'm glad I did, it feels much better today. I liked the girl who did it well enough, and figured she couldn't mess up trimming up the layers that my normal stylist cut, but I do know that I will be going back to my normal stylist next time if possible. I trust her more, like her personality, and love what she has done with my hair. Twice now I have told her that I just don't know what to do with it, and give her free reign. She did somethings that I would never have had done before and I LOVE the result now! K even bought me three more skeins of yarn for my knitting! He is really getting a kick out of the result of the dishcloth I am working on now, since I learned to purl. He thinks it's funny! We got a bunch of pictures developed finally too, spent about 18 dollars on them! But I make doubles for the daycare kids' parents too, and I made some doubles of the tball game for my friend who couldn't make it to see her daughter play, some for my brother's girlfriend of her little guy, and some of my parent's flowers for them. I love taking picturesd!
The fair officially starts today. The kids are all talking about it and very excited! Friday Monster's Mom is going to come in early since she doesn't have to be to work until noon and we are going to take the kids to walk and see the animals at the fair. K and I probably won't get up there until Thursday or Friday night, I don't know I'm really just not that excited about it this time. A funnel cake sounds good, as well as some fudge and salt water taffy from one of the vendors, as well as stopping in at a friend from church's booth and getting some more chai tea, maybe some cotton candy, but that's about it. Walking the expo building is always fun for the freebies as well.
Kiddos should all be gone around 5 tonight, Grandma is picking up one of the drop ins, her sister isn't here today and we are very teary. Then it's clean up and off to church. Hoping to get to sleep before ten tonight as tomorrow will be a busy day! I will have six or seven kids! K is hoping to get off early to come and help me. Not a big sacrifice concidering how hot it is supposed to be. I told him if you help me with lunch then you can nap with the kids in the air conditioned house! He didn't have to think too hard!
Well, need to check on Monster to see if she has gone back to sleep after Teddy standing on her head when the drop in got here. Laters!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

my newest finish, Sew Happy Posted by Hello
more double mix petunias Posted by Hello
close up of some of my roses Posted by Hello
my rose bush out front Posted by Hello
Some of my double mix petunias Posted by Hello
A pretty pink bug on my impatients Posted by Hello

My scrambled thoughts.....

I'm really at a loss for words today. I went for my weekly knitting lesson last night and we got into a conversation about our Praise Team (which I sing with in case you are just joining us), and how music went on Sunday since it wasn't practiced as normal. My teacher and I had talked just a bit before about it, she said her husband kept telling Pastor that he couldn't hear the guitars over the piano, and had Pastor ever thought of playing the piano (a grand piano) with the lid down? Well Sunday he did, and I got comments on how they liked that so much better, they could hear the guitars and then she went on to say how she didn't like how we did the echos and things that we did, it made it hard to follow, and how it was hard to follow the tempo with some of our songs as well. Now I realize that not everyone is going to love the kind of music we sing and play, especially some of the older people, as it is some of the Contemporary Christian music, some older choruses and things we sing as well, but still not everyone going to love that type of music and to each their own......but there just seemed to be nothing positive about the whole thing coming from her at all, I don't think she meant it to come out that way, at least I hope not, but it was just really discouraging. Not only for me, but almost more discouraging to me for Pastor, as he is out to try to give everyone a happy medium, to give the younger people something as well. I realize that some are just not going to be happy about it, but man, what a discouraging conversation, not even a hey, I appreciate the ministry that you all do have for the younger ones even if I don't enjoy it myself.........just really brought me down for the night and the day today as well.
Yish, this blog is really turning into a downer....I don't mean it to, it just really is nice to have somewhere to kind of talk it out, to vent without hurting someone elses feelings too, or slamming my hubby with it as soon as he walks in the door. Hope you all can bear with me!
On the good news front the kids were very good yesterday and so far today! I wondered with all the drop ins this week how it would go, but so far so good! The older kids were very helpful with the little ones yesterday, and everyone got along famously even though it was the first time that they had met.
Can't wait to get my hair cut tonight, I wondered if I should wait, but then when I couldn't get it to do anything this morning I knew I had to get it done! I ended up just pulling it all back into a pony tail, what little of one there is lol! Works double duty I guess because it is supposed to be soooo hot today. In the 90's and high humidity. Guess we will be inside for the afternoon. We went outside this morning for about an hour to let them run so hopefully that helps.
Well, I'm finally getting the purl stitch so guess I better be back to my knitting. Oh, I did a quick little kit yesterday that I will have to get a picture of as well. It says sew happy and has a spool of thread with a needle in a little wooden frame. Don't know who it was by, found it for a quarter at a garage sale. It was a nice little quick kit so I could do some stitching and see a finish all in one afternoon. A good little happy feeling lol!
Off to get pictures, will share soon.........

Monday, June 20, 2005

Feeling much better!

Well, I am feeling much better than I was at my last post. I feel kind of bad that I posted about it at all, but it did help me to get it all out and get over it all. Over the weekend we went to a few garage sales, got the kids lots of new puzzles and books and dolls and few things we can use for arts and crafts. Got alot of clothes for Mr. Man (my almost nephew lol) and for my niece. Also got a couple things for myself, but it was more fun looking for the kids.
Found out Mr. Man is having surgery on Friday. He has a blocked tear duct and they are going to fix it up. Hope he does ok.....
This week is busy busy busy; J and A come all week since my friend who watches them is on vacation, C will come on Tuesday because they are taking his middle brother to a specialist(they think he may have lyme disease or it may be something else, this poor kids has been running fevers up to about 104 since school got out and tires easily and they can't figure out why after all their testing so they are sending them to a specialist), and S a friend's granddaughter may be coming on Thursday because they are having a going away lunch for a lady at church and I can't go since I have to work so I said S may as well come and join us so her grandma can relax a bit too. The fair is in town this week as well, and K has told me that tomorrow he will take me to Wal Mart so I can get my hair cut! Tonight is possibly knitting night (which another friend is now most likely going to join us) and Wednesday is church, if you throw in a night or two of going to the fair and possibly a music practice you have a full week!! Ahh well it all sounds like fun, and with my drop ins I will be making a little extra money too.
K sold one of his riding lawnmowers this weekend too so there is a little extra money and more room in the garage! Maybe this winter we will actually be able to fit a car in there!

Thursday, June 16, 2005


UGH I could just scream at this point! You know I try to be nice, but sometimes I just get really tired of people walking all over me! Monster threw a HUGE fit this afternoon, M and C were done with their snack and so Monster thought she ought to be done too, so instead of chewing and swallowing the mouthful of food that she had we stick our fingers in our mouth and make ourself throw up and then when we are put in time out we throw a huge fit! And if that's not bad enough Monster's mom comes to pick her up and wants to go to some garage sales in the city wide garage sales that started yesterday, no problem, but when we get to the one garage sale we actually made it to, my Mom and I end up chasing Monster half a block down the road because she has found a little bike to ride and has taken off on her own, not to mention that she doesn't care to stop at corners or watch driveways or anything like that. And what is her mom doing?????? SLOWLY SORTING THROUGH THE CLOTHES ON THE PORCH AT THE GARAGE SALE NOT EVEN NOTICING THAT MY MOM AND I HAVE EACH CHASED HER DOWN AT LEAST TWICE NOW!!!! Then when we get back to my house she proceeds to stick her nose in the newspaper listings of the garage sales to see if there were any more to go to tonight or where she was going to go tomorrow morning and leaves ME to watch her daughter again and pull the child out of the bathroom when she has decided to play in the soap! You know, I only make $1.75 and hour, I work almost ten hours a day, three kids most of the day, I don't think that it is all that much for the kids to leave so I can relax a bit and go do something with my husband or go to Praise Band practice or prayer meeting, or just have some time to relax at home! But it is a common occurance for Monsters Mom to hang around and check her email, or visit with me, expecting me to watch Monster yet. K says to keep on charging her since I am still really doing daycare.....but ........
I am so tired of being taken advantage of, of being taken for granted! I don't want a big fuss or anything, all I want is to be able to have a little bit, just a little bit, of a life of my own! Is that too much to ask?!? Apparently to some people!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

my cute little Casey. Doesn't look very comfortable to me! Posted by Hello
another pretty rose Posted by Hello
one of my mom's roses Posted by Hello
fun on the swing set Posted by Hello
Mr. Man and N riding in the motorized Barbie jeep Posted by Hello
My brother's girlfriend J lol! Posted by Hello
My brother's girlfriends little boy Mr. Man Posted by Hello
Flag Day fun Posted by Hello
M and C fast asleep lol even Teddy climbs in for a snuggle Posted by Hello

Not much of a post....

Well, not much more to report today. Kids were really good and I got some cute pictures with our flag day crafts out in front of the flag that the Boy Scouts put up for each patriotic holiday. After they left I put supper in the oven and sat down to read a magazine and fell asleep instead. K helped me put my Pooh decal on the Durango and then he was off for a meeting. I vegged on the couch and watched Untold Stories of Columbine, which I am forced to admit that I cried like a baby through!
Today is rainy looking again, we have actually had some misting rain so we had more coloring fun and made our Father's Day crafts. We printed a really cute poem about following in Daddy's footsteps and then I painted one foot of each child and we glued the poem onto the construction paper that I had painted their footprint on. Monster left early and M and C are both napping!!! YAY! I think I will call my friend Christine in a bit and see how they are all doing, haven't talked to her in a while.
I need to run out and take pictures of the church later too. One of our high school graduates is a teriffic artist and she has agreed to draw/paint a picture of the church for our new bulletins. Her mom emailed and asked if I would take some pictures and email them to her, much faster than taking pictures and waiting for the film to come back and if I don't like the picture I can delete it right away and get one I do like. Hopefully I can take some good ones for her!
Will post some new pics laters......

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Knitting away

I officially have clean carpets! Saturday my Dad and K got the carpet shampooer and did the carpets and by Sunday night they were dry and we could move everything back....last night we sprayed the pet smell stuff on the potty spots on the carpet and so we now officially have cleaned carpets! I am loving it! So far the dogs haven't gone back to go potty on their old potty spots either.
Otherwise not much new to report here. Went and had a knitting lesson last night. My teacher also gave me some pairs of the multiple sizes she had. She also showed me a bit about knitting mittens and socks and things on multiple needles. I also learned how to purl.
Well, I suppose, I didn't get my laundry all folded yesterday so I had better go at least try to finish that....but I don't want to! Anyone want to come and do it for me?!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Just an all around cute picture! Posted by Hello
The "helpful" little ball player out in the field! (the little girl with the glove up) Posted by Hello
I just love this picture! All the little ball players intent on the game, ready for action with their little feet swinging, their little legs too short to reach the ground! Posted by Hello

An early start to the weekend.....

Yippeeee! I am officially off work for the weekend! C and M Mom came to pick them up early because, I guess she is their aunt technically, is going to stay overnight with them, and Monster's Mom went from having to work 1:30 to 5 to having the day off! I'm not complaining, it is a nice, sunny, warm day and I hope to get to some garage sales!
We went to the ball game last night for A's older boy and ended up staying for some other friends' daughter's ball game. I got some cute pictures and we did have alot of fun! Our other friends' daughter wasn't really enthused with the game, and once even while running the bases stopped, picked up the ball, and handed it to a fielder trying to be helpful! They let her have third base, how do you call her out in a play like that lol! When we got home we found that the UPS man had left a package for us, it was the dvd burner that K had ordered for our computer. He needed the software for the dvd burner at church and it was only 7 dollars more for us to get a dvd burner for our computer rather than just the software. K and my Dad have been talking about putting home movies and some of my Dad's movies that he has taped off tv onto dvds so it sounds like it will get some use!
Think we are going to my favorite place this weekend as well lol Wal Mart! I need to get a few groceries and K needs some shorts and maybe a couple tshirts. Hopefully we can find some good sales on summer clothes for both of us! I need to get some prints of pictures too, for us and for friends.
I am hoping that I can find a nice quiet place in the house to hide while Dad and K are doing the carpet cleaning and stitch and read. With the two of them they shouldn't need me to help. I hope anyway!
Well, looks like I should be heading off to the bank if I want to get to any garage sales! Have a great weekend all!

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Is it Friday yet? I am sooooo tired today! Music practice was fun last night, I was a bit frazzled as there are two songs that I am just learning and it wasn't going well, but I think I may have it now, putting the emphasis on may! But, we didn't get home until 11 and then we still had to eat! We grabbed some of the 2 for $3 burgers from Kwik Star and as soon as we finished we crashed!
Tonight is A's older boy's first T Ball game. He plays his friend J's team ( A also baby sits for J and her younger sister A) so hopefully he won't be real nervous and just go out and have fun. I'll have to see if I can get some pictures there too.
Other than that I don't know a whole lot, just trying to get through the day awake lol! Planning to sit down and do a bit of stitching while the girls are sleeping yet, probably on the Janlynn Santa's Wish List my Grandma got at a garage sale for me. It is my first project on evenweave and someone had done a bit of stitching on it....nice so I can see what it is supposed to look like.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Yeah I love the water, you got a problem with that? ;) Posted by Hello
Splashing fun! Posted by Hello
Monster finally splashing away in the water Posted by Hello

I love summer!

Yesterday's walk and playtime in the park was wonderful! C is very good and helpful on the walks! He pretends that he is a bird and he "lands" in every tree, so number one I don't have to worry about him getting too far ahead as there are LOTS of trees around here, and number two when he lands, especially near a corner, he spreads his arms out and won't let the younger two girls pass! While at the park yesterday there were a group of kids who would sit at the top of the slide and not let anyone down and when C got his chance he stopped, stood back up, and let M go down ahead of him! What a good big brother! Both C and M were very good about keeping me in their line of site too! Monster had decided that she needed to swing so I was just two or three feet away at the most, but I was still a bit worried. Good to find out I didn't need to be!
Monster decided that she LOVED the water and I really had to convince her to get out. She was drenched! The girl even had water poured over her head and drenched herself! She played in that water until her teeth chattered and her lips started turning a bit blue!
We had some thunderstorms roll through this morning. Even momentarily flashing the power off, but this afternoon the temperatures are going back up up up and I have heard that the heat index will be up around 100! Ahh well, with the wonderful invention of air conditioning, I am truthfully LOVING the summer weather that has FINALLY come! This spring has been so rainy we barely got the kids outside, and if this keeps up we will get lots of use out of the big pool when we set it up!
Well, naptime is almost over and I still need to get some things typed up for music practice tonight, yep music practice after prayer meeting tonight.....I may be a zombie tomorrow!
the new daycare kiddos M and C Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Summer has arrived!

Wow! Another day of near 90 degrees is forcasted for us today! Yesterday I was SO thankful for our central air and even had K put the window air up in our bedroom....Yes, I did say we have central air and still need a window air conditioner in our bedroom window. The central air just doesn't seem to get it cool upstairs, so we use the window air at night to be comfortable.
Tried to get Monster to play in the water in the little wading pool last night and she threw a fit! That could have alot to do with the fact that instead of her lovely two hour nap she only slept 45 minutes yesterday! Even after a good half hour walk and short play at the park! She was sooooo cranky in the afternoon! She did play a bit and I got some cute pics, will have to get them downloaded onto the computer and post them later..... I think our plans for today will be similar;a nice walk and hopefully little longer time at the park hopefully minus the kids from the daycare center just off the other side of the park, come back for lunch, naptime, C and M will leave and then get Monster back into the kiddie pool. I really don't understand this kid, she LOVES to be sprinkled with the hose, but standing water we can't deal with without a fit first, I heard this morning that she does the same thing for her Mom. Her Mom wants me to keep putting her in the kiddie pool and working with her to hopefully get her over whatever this big thing is, now don't get me wrong I don't just toss her in; I stand in there with her getting just as wet as she does holding her and just putting her toes in at first and gradually working our way into full play, which she will do and loves after we throw our initial big fit! I really would love to know what goes through her little mind at times like that!
Well, time to get ready for our walk before it gets too hot and humid, hope to have more pics to share with you laters....

Monday, June 06, 2005

my fuschia plant Posted by Hello
one of my flower boxes Posted by Hello
the geraniums on the other side of the sidewalk Posted by Hello