Thursday, June 16, 2005


UGH I could just scream at this point! You know I try to be nice, but sometimes I just get really tired of people walking all over me! Monster threw a HUGE fit this afternoon, M and C were done with their snack and so Monster thought she ought to be done too, so instead of chewing and swallowing the mouthful of food that she had we stick our fingers in our mouth and make ourself throw up and then when we are put in time out we throw a huge fit! And if that's not bad enough Monster's mom comes to pick her up and wants to go to some garage sales in the city wide garage sales that started yesterday, no problem, but when we get to the one garage sale we actually made it to, my Mom and I end up chasing Monster half a block down the road because she has found a little bike to ride and has taken off on her own, not to mention that she doesn't care to stop at corners or watch driveways or anything like that. And what is her mom doing?????? SLOWLY SORTING THROUGH THE CLOTHES ON THE PORCH AT THE GARAGE SALE NOT EVEN NOTICING THAT MY MOM AND I HAVE EACH CHASED HER DOWN AT LEAST TWICE NOW!!!! Then when we get back to my house she proceeds to stick her nose in the newspaper listings of the garage sales to see if there were any more to go to tonight or where she was going to go tomorrow morning and leaves ME to watch her daughter again and pull the child out of the bathroom when she has decided to play in the soap! You know, I only make $1.75 and hour, I work almost ten hours a day, three kids most of the day, I don't think that it is all that much for the kids to leave so I can relax a bit and go do something with my husband or go to Praise Band practice or prayer meeting, or just have some time to relax at home! But it is a common occurance for Monsters Mom to hang around and check her email, or visit with me, expecting me to watch Monster yet. K says to keep on charging her since I am still really doing daycare.....but ........
I am so tired of being taken advantage of, of being taken for granted! I don't want a big fuss or anything, all I want is to be able to have a little bit, just a little bit, of a life of my own! Is that too much to ask?!? Apparently to some people!

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