Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Knitting away

I officially have clean carpets! Saturday my Dad and K got the carpet shampooer and did the carpets and by Sunday night they were dry and we could move everything back....last night we sprayed the pet smell stuff on the potty spots on the carpet and so we now officially have cleaned carpets! I am loving it! So far the dogs haven't gone back to go potty on their old potty spots either.
Otherwise not much new to report here. Went and had a knitting lesson last night. My teacher also gave me some pairs of the multiple sizes she had. She also showed me a bit about knitting mittens and socks and things on multiple needles. I also learned how to purl.
Well, I suppose, I didn't get my laundry all folded yesterday so I had better go at least try to finish that....but I don't want to! Anyone want to come and do it for me?!

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