Sunday, November 09, 2008

Crazy cold weekend!

Today was another crazy day! We had choir practice after church, our choir leader picked a hard song this time...and with the two practices we get before we sing this is going to be a very difficult thing! We went to dinner at my Mom and Dad's and then it was off again shortly after lunch to get PowerPoint from PM and get that done, and we had an Awana Leaders' Meeting that ended just before the evening church service started! We need to call K's parents and then I can go to bed!
I haven't kept up on blogs or comments this weekend, tomorrow is a slow day and I will catch up. I feel like I am missing so much!
I hope that you all had a great weekend and you are warmer than I am! Right now it's a whole 25 degrees!


Jen said...

Brrrr!!! I have missed you in the blogosphere!! Hope you had a good weekend!! Rest up!!


Patty said...

I don't think it will ever hit that temperature here. I'm not sure if I'm thankful for that or not.

By the way...I've given you the I Love Your Blog Award. Visit my blog for the info on your award.